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Best selling Crime Scene to Court notes
Unit 4: Crime Scene Procedures Report
- Essay • 14 pages • 2021 Popular
- £13.99
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A report that details the following procedures; speak to the first attending officer; securing the scene; crime scene entry log; common approach path; initial scene assessment; plan of the premises; personal protective equipment; and exhibits log/chain of custody. Includes images, examples from my own crime scene mock exam and health and safety legislation. Achieved a distinction for this assignment and should be used as a guide of how to format the assignment and the material required to achiev...
Newest Crime Scene to Court summaries
The essentials of forensic science, pages 48-60
- Lecture notes • 10 pages • 2023 New
- £7.49
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Pages of the book 'Crime scene to court' pages 48-60
Unit 4: Crime Scene Procedures Report
- Essay • 14 pages • 2021 New
- £13.99
- 6x sold
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A report that details the following procedures; speak to the first attending officer; securing the scene; crime scene entry log; common approach path; initial scene assessment; plan of the premises; personal protective equipment; and exhibits log/chain of custody. Includes images, examples from my own crime scene mock exam and health and safety legislation. Achieved a distinction for this assignment and should be used as a guide of how to format the assignment and the material required to achiev...
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