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Newest de Cive (the Citizen) summaries
Thomas Hobbes , De Cive (Summary/Outline)
- Summary • 2 pages • 2018
- £2.99
- 6x sold
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A brief summary of Thomas Hobbes 'De Cive', which discusses the outlines of politics and the creation of the commonwealth. This document outlines the creation of the commonwealth and defines types of sovereign power: power by right, absolute power, obedience of the citizen. Also simply defines different types of commonwealths, Hobbes believes as to which is best, objections to commonwealth and the ways in which a commonwealth can dissolve.
Thomas Hobbes , De Cive (Summary/Outline)
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A brief summary of Thomas Hobbes 'De Cive', which discusses the outlines of politics and the creation of the commonwealth. This document outlines the creation of the commonwealth and defines types of sovereign power: power by right, absolute power, obedience of the citizen. Also simply defines different types of commonwealths, Hobbes believes as to which is best, objections to commonwealth and the ways in which a commonwealth can dissolve.
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns £76 per month selling revision notes? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia