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Newest Dr. Faustus summaries

Dr Faustus Essay Plans for Every Question
- Study guide • 21 pages • 2020
- £15.49
- 10x sold
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A 21 page essay plan guide to every possible question for Dr Faustus. The essay plans cover both themes and characters including quotes and context. These essay plans allowed me to be fully prepared for every essay question in the exam (I am now studying English at University College London).

Dr Faustus A-level essay plans (A* grade)
- Study guide • 9 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- £8.99
- 6x sold
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Really useful detailed essay plans for Dr Faustus A-level essays. These notes helped me get an A* in English Literature. 
Includes plans for... Dr Faustus as a Tragic hero, illusion and reality, comic scenes, Mephistopheles and Faustus' relationship, magic, how Marlowe shapes the audiences' attitude, the function of the Old Man, the role of Wagner and the theme of Knowledge.

Complete Dr Faustus A-level revision notes (A* grade)
- Package deal • 3 items • 2020
- £12.09
- 18x sold
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Includes a detailed summary analysis of the play, essay plans, notes on the themes, context, structure language of the play. These quality notes helped get me an A* for English Literature A-level. Great price considering how long it took me to compile.
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Dr Faustus Full Text Analysis and Quotes
- Study guide • 45 pages • 2020
- £20.49
- 2x sold
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A full analysis (46 pages long) of Dr Faustus including quotations, analysis and context. These notes fully prepared me for the exam and I received great grades - I was awarded the English prize and am now studying English at University College London. Every scene is covered in great detail which will allow you to write amazing analytical essays in both class and the exam itself.

Dr Faustus A-level revision notes- themes, context, structure and language (A* grade)
- Study guide • 9 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- £8.99
- 1x sold
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Very helpful Dr Faustus revision notes covering different, themes, the context, structure and language of the play. These notes helped me to get an A* for English Literature A-level. Sourced from my class notes, English A-level textbooks and reliable websites online. Perfect for writing A* Dr Faustus essays and for revising. Great price considering these notes took me hours to collate. I'd have loved to have had these notes at the start of the school year, they would have made my life so much e...

Dr Faustus A-level summary and analysis notes (A* grade)
- Study guide • 13 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- £8.99
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Full summary and analysis of Dr Faustus. These notes helped me to get an A* for English Literature A-level. Sourced from my class notes, English A-level textbooks and reliable websites online. Perfect for writing A* Dr Faustus essays and for revising. Great price considering these notes took me hours to collate. I'd have loved to have had these notes at the start of the school year, they would have made my life so much easier!

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