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Best selling Elliott & Quinn\'s Contract Law notes
9084 Law — Unit 4.1: Offer
- Lecture notes • 9 pages • 2022 Popular
- £7.49
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9084 Law — Unit 4.1: Offer 
1. Formation of Contract 
2. Unilateral & Bilateral Contract 
3. Invitation to treat 
4. Offer 
5. How long does an offer last? 
6. Withdrawal of offer 
7. Specific Types of Contracts
Newest Elliott & Quinn\'s Contract Law summaries
9084 Law — Unit 4.1: Offer
- Lecture notes • 9 pages • 2022 New
- £7.49
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9084 Law — Unit 4.1: Offer 
1. Formation of Contract 
2. Unilateral & Bilateral Contract 
3. Invitation to treat 
4. Offer 
5. How long does an offer last? 
6. Withdrawal of offer 
7. Specific Types of Contracts
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