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Newest Financial Accounting summaries
Financial Accounting: Financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement) and accounting elements
- Lecture notes • 4 pages • 2018
- £2.99
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Detailed study notes about accounting basics, ideal for a business-related degree or accounting degree to get to know the basic terminology. Includes a breakdown of each financial statement (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) as well as definitions of each accounting element including assets, liabilities, expenses, income and equity to name a few. This resource also discusses why financial statements are useful and who uses them.
Lecture notes
Financial Accounting: Financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement) and accounting elements
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Detailed study notes about accounting basics, ideal for a business-related degree or accounting degree to get to know the basic terminology. Includes a breakdown of each financial statement (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) as well as definitions of each accounting element including assets, liabilities, expenses, income and equity to name a few. This resource also discusses why financial statements are useful and who uses them.
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