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Newest Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire summaries
A* Exemplar NEA Prose (Harry Potter) Essay AQA English Literature B
- Essay • 5 pages • 2020
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'Using ideas from the critical anthology to inform your argument, explore the view that the works of J.K. Rowling, despite being written principally for children, are sufficiently challenging to be included in the literary Canon'.

Fully referenced and completed to the highest quality, this essay provides a clear indication of what must be written to achieve an A* in the AQA English Literature (B) A Level
A* Exemplar NEA Prose (Harry Potter) Essay AQA English Literature B
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'Using ideas from the critical anthology to inform your argument, explore the view that the works of J.K. Rowling, despite being written principally for children, are sufficiently challenging to be included in the literary Canon'.

Fully referenced and completed to the highest quality, this essay provides a clear indication of what must be written to achieve an A* in the AQA English Literature (B) A Level
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