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Best selling Ireland Under the Union 1800-1900 for CCEA A2 Level notes
Impact of Landlords on the Great Irish Famine- Summary
- Summary • 6 pages • 2025 Popular
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This document includes a summary on two articles/chapters on landlords in 19th Century Ireland, especially during the Great Irish Famine. This includes Smith's "The Land-Tenure System in Ireland: A Fatal Regime" and Rees's "Ireland Under the Union ". Happy studying!
Newest Ireland Under the Union 1800-1900 for CCEA A2 Level summaries
Impact of Landlords on the Great Irish Famine- Summary
- Summary • 6 pages • 2025 New
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This document includes a summary on two articles/chapters on landlords in 19th Century Ireland, especially during the Great Irish Famine. This includes Smith's "The Land-Tenure System in Ireland: A Fatal Regime" and Rees's "Ireland Under the Union ". Happy studying!
Revision notes on Ireland 1800-1900 divided into factors
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020 New
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Overall notes on the course divided into nationalism and unionism - can be used for any essay plans as all sections have the key headings of leadership, mass support, Catholic Church, British Government and other factors. Nationalism sections of Grattan, O'Connell (emancipation), O'Connell (Reform), O'Connell (Repeal), Isaac Butt, Parnell (Land Reform), Parnell (Home Rule). Unionism sections divided up into Unionism 1800-1850: Defenders of the Union and Unionism 1850-1900. extensive not...
Essay Plan for question: The British Government were more successful governing Ireland between 1800-1850 than 1850 to 1900. Discuss
- Summary • 1 pages • 2020 New
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Shorter essay plan but still covering main points of the question - The British Government were more successful governing Ireland between 1800-1850 than 1850-1900.
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brief essay plans for factors questions
- Summary • 5 pages • 2020 New
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an overview of potential essay questions and information to include - contains key factors of leadership, mass support, church and other factors
essay plan for question: successes or failures of constitutional Nationalism and Unionism was based on the level of support from the British Government in the period 1800-1900
- Summary • 6 pages • 2020 New
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full essay answer for successes or failures of constitutional Nationalism and Unionism was based on the level of support from the British Government in the period 1800-1900. 2982 words. very descriptive covers a lot of information and the whole time period throughly
essay plan for question: social and economic factors were the most important in effecting the development of nationalism and unionism
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020 New
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essay plan for the Question social and economic factors were the most important in effecting the development of nationalism and unionism - 40 mark question
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