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Newest King Lear: York Notes Advanced summaries
King Lear character essay
- Essay • 2 pages • 2017
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This essay has been graded as an A and was printed for the rest of the class. The essay explores William Shakespeare's representation of King Lear, predominantly looking at the use of stage directions and language. The essay also examines the relationships between King Lear and the other characters in the play.
King Lear Edmond villain essay
- Essay • 3 pages • 2017
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This essay explores the role of Edmond in the play as a villain. It analyses his character and reasons for his evil nature. It explores the juxtaposition of brothers Edgar and Edmond and the ways in which they are different. Notions of power and the significance of hierarchy are prevalent within Jacobean society, with aspects such a primogeniture extremely important. These ideas are explored in the essay as they are reflected greatly in the play.
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