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Newest La casa verde / The Green House summaries
La casa verde: summary and literary study guide
- Summary • 16 pages • 2021
- £4.39
- 10x sold
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This is a summary to Mario Vargas Llosa's La Casa verde. It is a 16 page guide which not only describes what happens in each section of each chapter, but also highlights literary techniques, themes and intertextual references to other works by Vargas Llosa. Important quotes from the book are also highlighted. It is perfect for anyone studying this book and/or Vargas Llosa, especially as this is a very complex and difficult book to read.
La casa verde: summary and literary study guide
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This is a summary to Mario Vargas Llosa's La Casa verde. It is a 16 page guide which not only describes what happens in each section of each chapter, but also highlights literary techniques, themes and intertextual references to other works by Vargas Llosa. Important quotes from the book are also highlighted. It is perfect for anyone studying this book and/or Vargas Llosa, especially as this is a very complex and difficult book to read.
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