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Newest Land Law summaries
Property/Land Law Full Term Notes
- Summary • 34 pages • 2018
- £6.99
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This is a 36-page document containing everything needed for the first term of Property or Land Law LLB at University. The notes were written using lecture notes, all relevant readings, and study of large amounts of case law. It is incredibly detailed and contains easy to understand descriptions of not only the rules and obligations of Property Law but also all of the significant case law relevant to these obligations. It is well organised into detailed topics and subtopics and is perfect for any...
Property/Land Law Full Term Notes
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This is a 36-page document containing everything needed for the first term of Property or Land Law LLB at University. The notes were written using lecture notes, all relevant readings, and study of large amounts of case law. It is incredibly detailed and contains easy to understand descriptions of not only the rules and obligations of Property Law but also all of the significant case law relevant to these obligations. It is well organised into detailed topics and subtopics and is perfect for any...
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How much did you already spend on Stuvia? Imagine there are plenty more of you out there paying for study notes, but this time YOU are the seller. Ka-ching! Discover all about earning on Stuvia