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Newest Lord of the Flies summaries
Breakdown of Top 9 Key Quotes from 'Lord of the Flies'
- Lecture notes • 7 pages • 2019
- £3.49
- 3x sold
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This document provides in-depth analysis of the most useful quotes from William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'. It helped me to achieve a level 9 in my English Literature GCSE, which is the highest grade available.
The document identifies devices within each quote, gives relevant analysis, that can be applied to the key themes of the novel, and even makes accurate references to the context of which the novel was written. 
The notes have been kept short, while still clear, as to make it easier ...
Lecture notes
Breakdown of Top 9 Key Quotes from 'Lord of the Flies'
Last document update:
This document provides in-depth analysis of the most useful quotes from William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'. It helped me to achieve a level 9 in my English Literature GCSE, which is the highest grade available.
The document identifies devices within each quote, gives relevant analysis, that can be applied to the key themes of the novel, and even makes accurate references to the context of which the novel was written. 
The notes have been kept short, while still clear, as to make it easier ...
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Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your revision notes too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia