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Newest My Revision Notes: OCR A Level Media Studies summaries
Detailed notes on Stranger Things (A-level Media study)
- Study guide • 28 pages • 2019
- £4.49
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This document will enable you on how to ace the exam marks on the theory questions in this paper! Looks at the significance of the character roles in Stranger Things and key scenes as examples that you should write in the exam. Historical, economic and social contexts are also embedded throughout the essay responses to get to the higher band of the mark scheme.
Study guide
Detailed notes on Stranger Things (A-level Media study)
Last document update:
This document will enable you on how to ace the exam marks on the theory questions in this paper! Looks at the significance of the character roles in Stranger Things and key scenes as examples that you should write in the exam. Historical, economic and social contexts are also embedded throughout the essay responses to get to the higher band of the mark scheme.
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Do you wonder why so many students wear nice clothes, have money to spare and enjoy tons of free time? Well, they sell on Stuvia! Imagine your study notes being downloaded a dozen times for £15 each. Every. Single. Day. Discover all about earning on Stuvia