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Newest Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Skills summaries
NURS2001 Research Critique
- Essay • 9 pages • 2020
- £7.49
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This assignment is a research critique that will identify two pieces of research. One quantitative and one qualitative using the holland and ree's critiquing framework. This will be looking at ‘how does the stress of balancing a social life and nursing degree contribute to nursing student’s depression?’.
NURS2001 Research Critique
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This assignment is a research critique that will identify two pieces of research. One quantitative and one qualitative using the holland and ree's critiquing framework. This will be looking at ‘how does the stress of balancing a social life and nursing degree contribute to nursing student’s depression?’.
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Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your revision notes too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia