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Best selling Poems and Prose notes

Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure Popular
  • Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure

  • Presentation • 40 pages • 2024 Popular
  • I created a PowerPoint which goes over all the key things to be known about the Pre 1900 paper for A level OCR. The PowerPoint tells you exactly what needs to be known for each paper, the amount of time given for each paper, context, quotes, crictics, a summary of the acts ect. The PowerPoint is incomplete in places but would be great to work from and add more too.
  • lheryett
  • £4.96
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Newest Poems and Prose summaries

Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure New
  • Pre 1900 OCR alevel revision- Rossetti, A dolls house and measure for measure

  • Presentation • 40 pages • 2024 New
  • I created a PowerPoint which goes over all the key things to be known about the Pre 1900 paper for A level OCR. The PowerPoint tells you exactly what needs to be known for each paper, the amount of time given for each paper, context, quotes, crictics, a summary of the acts ect. The PowerPoint is incomplete in places but would be great to work from and add more too.
  • lheryett
  • £4.96
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Rossetti's Poetry - Context Flashcards Rossetti's Poetry - Context Flashcards New
  • Rossetti's Poetry - Context Flashcards

  • Other • 12 pages • 2020 New
  • Complete, comprehensive ready-made flashcards for Component 1 (Drama and Poetry pre-1900) OCR A Level English Literature, but could alternatively be useful for any course where you study Rossetti's poetry. All of the contextual information you need to gain maximum marks for maximum marks for AO3 (contexts of literary texts), which forms 50% of the marks for this particular question. 45 flashcards in total. Areas covered are: • Family history • Religious commitments • Personal romantic r...
  • ashajoy25
  • £4.99
  • 3x sold
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