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Newest Rang & Dale\'s Pharmacology summaries
Cardiovascular and Renal Pharmacology
- Lecture notes • 20 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £15.49
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University of Cambridge, Medicine (second year), first class.
These notes are from the pharmacology course, focusing on cardiovascular and renal pharmacology. Topics include ion channels, cardiac action potentials, autonomic control of the heart, dysrhythmias, chronic heart failure, fibrinolysis and clot formation, diuretics, blood pressure, athersclerosis, and angina
Pharmacology of Inflammation and Immunosuppression
- Lecture notes • 20 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £15.49
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University of Cambridge, Medicine (second year), first class.
These notes are part of the Pharmacology course, focusing on the pharmacology of inflammation and immunosuppression. Topics include innate immunity, histamine, peptide and lipid mediators of inflammation, serotonin, corticosteroids, asthma, COPD, autoimmune diseases and lupus
Pharmacology of the Peripheral Nervous System
- Lecture notes • 16 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £15.49
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University of Cambridge notes, Medicine (Second year), First Class.
These notes are part of the second year Pharmacology course, and cover the pharmacology of the peripheral nervous system. Topics include anatomy, molecular mechanisms of transmission, and the following specific transmission methods: cholinergic, nicotinic, muscarinic, adrenergic, non-adrenergic-non-cholinergic (NANC) and their receptors
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- Lecture notes • 5 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- £15.49
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University of Cambridge, Medicine (second year), first class.
These notes are from the Pharmacology course and focus on pharmacokinetics. Topics include routes of administration, mechanisms of drug elimination, constant infusion, calculations and general anaesthetics.
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