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Best selling Revise SQE Tort Law notes
Tort Law SQE1 Summary Table
- Summary • 10 pages • 2023 Popular
- Available in package deal
- £8.48
- 1x sold
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This is a summary document of SQE1 Specification for Tort Law. 
It follows SRA's SQE Assessment Specification so you have everything you need to know in one document. Perfect for revision. 
I used it to prepare for my July 2023 SQE exams, in which I scored 74% (top 20% of candidates). 
Notes done according to Revise SQE book and BPP materials. Thanks to the summary, you don't need to worry about missing any important information from textbooks - I did the work for you!
Newest Revise SQE Tort Law summaries
Tort Law SQE1 Summary Table
- Summary • 10 pages • 2023 New
- Available in package deal
- £8.48
- 1x sold
- + learn more
This is a summary document of SQE1 Specification for Tort Law. 
It follows SRA's SQE Assessment Specification so you have everything you need to know in one document. Perfect for revision. 
I used it to prepare for my July 2023 SQE exams, in which I scored 74% (top 20% of candidates). 
Notes done according to Revise SQE book and BPP materials. Thanks to the summary, you don't need to worry about missing any important information from textbooks - I did the work for you!
SQE1 Black Letter Law: Summary Notes
- Package deal • 5 items • 2023 New
- £40.49
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This is a bundle of everything you need to know for SQE1 Exams for the Black Letter Law portion.

I scored 74% on both FLK1 and FLK2 in July 2023.

I used ReviseSQE books and BPP materials and structured my notes in accordance with SRA's SQE Assessment Specification so you don't need to worry about missing anything.
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