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Newest The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories summaries

'The Bloody Chamber'- Angela Carter, Quotation log with summaries and AO3, AO4, AO5
- Summary • 27 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- £10.99
- 1x sold
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Complete quotation log for Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber' Includes character list, chapter by chapter summary, key quotes organised by character with where in the book, analysis, AO3 and AO5 (context and a range of critical quotes drawn from a range of critical essays and different performances). About 8-9 months of work, extremely useful resource, helped me get A-A*s and an amazing start point for drafting practice essays.

The gothic- Frankenstein and The Bloody Chamber
- Package deal • 2 items • 2021
- £23.49
- 3x sold
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Extremely detailed documents, include: - Character list - Chapter summaries - Key quotes which are fully analysed - context included next to relevant quotes - A05- CRITICAL QUOTES- about 1-2pages of critical quotations collected from a range of productions, articles and reviews! vital for high grades Helped me achieve A/A*s - great resource!

Complete 'The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories' by Angela Carter Easy Revision Notes
- Study guide • 12 pages • 2019
- £7.49
- 11x sold
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Complete made-easy revision notes for Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories' particularly for A-Level English Literature OCR Gothic exam, 2015 onwards. Contains plot summaries of each story, key quotes, character descriptions, thematic links as expected by the exam question, brief context list, historical context, feminist context and literary context. Context makes up most of the marking points in the question. Language, form and structure is also analysed by story. General t...
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