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Newest Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort summaries
Unit 3 - D1
- Essay • 16 pages • 2017
- Available in package deal
- £12.49
- 4x sold
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A very detailed and comprehensive assignment that evaluates the impact of the law of tort and the award of damages in a given situation. it covers D1 of Unit 3, aspects of liability. It received a very strong D*.
Unit 3 - D1
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A very detailed and comprehensive assignment that evaluates the impact of the law of tort and the award of damages in a given situation. it covers D1 of Unit 3, aspects of liability. It received a very strong D*.
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Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your revision notes too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia