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Feminism RATED A


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Feminism 1 rated A+


Annie - will be covering the history of feminism and the first wave Subhan - will do feminism's relationship to other ideologies and movements Umer - will cover third wave feminism as well as commodification and capitalism Joseph - will be distinguishing between different types of feminism such ...

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Feminism - the economy


What do all feminists agree on with regards to the economy? - - Women have a reduced economic status compared to men - Women are discriminated against in the economic world and face 'institutionalised sexism' What are the 5 main example's of discrimination and inequality that feminists tend to...

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feminism - international politics


why 'feminism' and not 'human rights'? - feminism is part of human rights in general-- human rights is vague and used to deny the specific problem of gender - it would be a way of pretending that it was not women who have suffered for centuries. - the problem is not about being human; but ab...

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Feminism - A level Politics


Liberal feminist wave advocating for equal education, the right to vote, better working conditions, etc. 'There is no female mind' -What was First Wave Feminism? Liberal feminist wave with some radical and socialist feminism. More based around need to destroy patriarchy to obtain equality with ...

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4.3.2: Different types of feminism


Summarise liberal feminism -Took the liberal values of individualism and foundational equality (all humans are of equal moral worth) and applied them to women. Women are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as men. Women should have all the freedoms they need to become autonomous members of s...

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Ch. 12: Feminist Theories of Crime


The first wave of feminism started when women ______. A.) demanded the right to vote B.) started attending college C.) advocated for birth control D.) were allowed to work - A.) demanded the right to vote The Declaration of Sentiments stressed the need for reforms in ______. A.) politics B.) ...

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Bell Hooks - feminism is for everybody


What did Bell Hooks write? - Feminism is for Everybody Main arguments? - -defining feminism -patriarchy as institutionalized sexism -patriarchy perpetuates the ideas that fem is anti-male -history of feminism -sexism and patriarchy confine us Definition of Feminism - a movement to end sexism, ...

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4 waves of feminism


The personal is political -Personal things have broad social, political, and economic causes and consequences How many waves of feminism are there? -4 1st Wave -A struggle for legal, social, economic rights, the right to vote (suffrage), own property after marriage, and access to higher educatio...

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Feminism 14 already passed


Feminism 14 already passed male participants - - all types of feminists tend to agree that IR assumes ___ when discussing foreign policy, decision making, state sovereignty, use of military force, etc - feminist critics ask that scholars recognize the gendered nature of IR rather than implicitly ...

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Feminism It is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It's about respecting diverse women's experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights Charles Fourier Feminism was coined by French philosopher Feminism i...

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It is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It's about respecting diverse women's experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights Charles Fourier Feminism was coined by French philosopher Feminism is defined ...

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Feminism 10 GRADED A+


Structural -Society shapes and determines individuals. Our behaviour is controlled by our society by its organisation and culture. We are 'puppets of society'. Conflict -Society benefits one group at the expense of another, in this case, men benefit and women lose out. Patriarchy -Men have mor...

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What is feminism? -is advocating women's rights is disturbing certainties of patriarchal structure is transforming society by eradicating sexist domination is sustaining poststructuralist and postmodern thinking is working and reading "against the grain" Early proto-feminism -Sappho in ancie...

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman - - an early socialist feminist - gender as a social construct - young girls forced to conform in society and prepare for motherhood through playing with toys/clothing etc - sex and domestic economics go hand in hand, women were reliant on their sexual assets to survive ...

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emerged from: (feminism) - broader historical womens right movement 1st wave of feminism - Women's suffrage fighting for the womens right to vote late 19th 2nd wave of feminism - 1960s-1970s; focused on women's equal access to employment and education 3rd wave of feminism - 1980s-present; f...

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Feminism 6 100% PASSED


... -Ever notice how when justifying a child's misbehavior no one ever says stuff like "girls will be girls" or "she's a girl," but the list of things a "young lady" can't do is almost endless? You learn from a young age that masculinity comes with freedom; femininity comes with restricti...

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Feminism 5 100% PASSED


Origins and developments -- Feminist ideas can be traced back to the ancient civilisations of Greece and China - Christine De Pisan's Book of the City of Ladies published in Italy (1405) foreshadowed many ideas of modern feminism such as advocating women's rights to education - The first text ...

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The Public / Private Divide -The "public" refers to activities that take place within a public sphere, that can involve or affect everybody, such as politics, pressure groups, public debate, employment etc. The "private" on the other hand refers to private activities which solely affect indivi...

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Sociology- Feminism


What type of theory is feminism? - Structural- society controls the individual Patriarchy - Male dominated society What are the different types of feminism? - Liberal- Changes have taken place, and men and women are more equal now Radical- Men dominate women Marxist- Women are oppressed by both...

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Sociology - A level - Religion theories - Feminism


4 different types of Feminism -Liberal, Marxist, Islamic and Radical Liberal Feminism -Type of Feminism which say there has been a march of progress, Functionalism agree. Religion can help this process. Marxist Feminism -Type of Feminism which says religion supports Capitalism as it divides men ...

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Feminism Key Terms


Sex -the biological distinction between females and males Gender -the socially constructed roles and characteristics by which a culture defines male and female Essentialism -An emphasis on the fundamental nature of the biological differences between men and women Androgyny -displaying both trad...

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Radical feminism ALREADY PASSED


Radical Feminist Theory -patriarchy is universal: male domination of women exists in all known societies. Firestone argues that the origins of patriarchy lie in women's biological capacity to bear and acre for infants, since performing this role means they become dependent on males Patriarchy i...

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Radical Feminism 100% PASSED


What do Liberal Feminists want to do with the "system"? -To reform the system. This is achieved through working to eliminate discriminatory educational, legal, and economic policies. What is the paramount goal of Liberal Feminists? -Achieving equal rights for women. What were examples of early ...

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Radical Feminism 5 ALREADY PASSED


Radical Feminism is -DISMANTLING PATRIARCHY Where did Radical Feminism come from? -Started in the late 1960s Grew out of the women's liberation movement Sees women's oppression as the root of all oppression (radical = 'of the roots') Not allied to pre-existing political/ philosophical system...

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Political Ideologies: Feminism- key knowledge


What was the main focus of first-wave feminism? -Suffrage Which phrase is most associated with second-wave feminism -'The personal is political' When did third-wave feminism emerge, recognising the concerns of women from a wider range of cultures? -1990s What was the main focus of fourth-wave ...

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Marxist Feminism RATED A+


Main view - Women's subordination rooted in capitalism, results from primary role as unpaid homemaker. women are a source of cheap labour - Exploited - paid less and assume partially depend on man Reserve army of labour - Economic booms can be used - marginal workers (only when needed) Reproduc...

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Liberal Feminism RATED A+


Beliefs/Values -○ Reformist not revolutionary ○ Equality of women can achieved through legal means and social reform Ex: write more bills and elect the right people ○ Men and women are essentially the same, with the same capabilities, and the same rights ○ Women should not have to stick ...

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Liberal feminism ALREADY PASSED


What are the key features of liberal feminism? - Individualism, reform, choice and nature, and equal rights What is individualism? - A liberal belief that every individual is of equal moral worth and therefore we can only judge individuals on rational grounds Who are the key thinkers behind Indi...

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Key Terms: Feminism


Patriarchal - describes a society or culture dominated by men. Other - denotes "different from" and not as important as the privileged term of a binary. I.e. women, the colonized. Sexual Politics - posits that economic inequality and ideological indoctrination have been the chief causes of wom...

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Islamic Feminism ALREADY PASSED


What is Islamic Feminist Discourse? -- Derived from the Qu'ran - Advocates gender equality (which is affirmed by the Qu'ran + prevented/subverted by patriarchal ideas & practices) - The fiqh in 9th Classic 9th century was saturated with patriarchal ideas which impacted the Sharia (which today ...

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introduction to feminism


first wave of feminism - 19th and early 20th century suffrage movement second wave of feminism - 60s-70s women's liberation movement third wave of feminism - 80s-present mary wollstonecraft - british political philosopher; published first feminist manifesto entitled "the vindication of the rig...

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Gender and Feminism


Sex - biological constitution as female or male gender - our cultural programming as feminine or masculine. varies within cultures "On ne nait pas femme, on le devient" Simone De Bouvet - One is not born a woman one becomes one Homophobia: - Fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against, ho...

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New Social Movements --emerged in the 1960s -challenged traditional political allegiances of .Western liberal politics .Worker-based movements (labor unions) .State socialism (Western and Eastern Europe) .broad-based and identity-based Broad-Based Movements -.Civil rights movements .Anti-Viet...

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(First Wave) Feminism


feminism -a MOVEMENT to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression movement -a group of people acting with some degree of organization and continuity outside of institutional channels for the purpose of promoting change in the group, society, or the world sexism -attitudes, actions, and inst...

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Feminist Theory


Principles -- The personal is political - Personal & social identities are interdependent - Commitment to social change - Counseling relationship is egalitarian - Women & girls experiences and ways of knowing are honored - Definitions of distress & "mental illness" are reformulated - There i...

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Feminist Theory 101 GRADED A+


What are the basic questions of feminism? What is explored within each one? -1. And what about the women?/Where are women are the women in any situated being investigated?/How do they experience the situation? Answer: Women are present in most social situations (Academic, legislative, public, soc...

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Feminist Theory 7 RATED A+


What is the context within which feminist theory developed? -The first wave of feminist theory developed in the 1840s, the second wave of feminist theory developed in the 1960s, and the third wave of feminist theory is developing right now What are some of the basic research questions of feminist...

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Feminist Theory 6 ALREADY PASSED


first-wave feminism - The feminist movement during the nineteenth and early twentieth century focused on de jure (officially mandated) inequalities, primarily on gaining women's suffrage. second-wave feminism - The feminist movement starting in the 1960s, particularly in America, where women cam...

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Feminist Theory 1


Feminism - 1. The movement for social, political, and economic equality of women and men 2. Feminism means that women have the right to enough information to make informed choices about their lives 3. Believe that changes made to advance gender equality will result in benefits to both women and m...

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Feminist Theories


What is feminist theory? - a wide ranging system of ideas about social life and human experiences developed from a woman centered perspective. [woman centered because it examines the situations and experiences of women, tried to describe the social world from the standpoint of women] First wave f...

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Feminist Philosophy of Law STUDY NOTES A LEVAL


First published Tue May 19, 2009; substantive revision Tue Oct 24, 2017 Feminist philosophy of law identifies the pervasive influence of patriarchy and masculinist norms on legal structures and demonstrates their effects on the material conditions of women and girls and those who may not conform ...

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Feminist Philosophy of Language STUDY NOTES


First published Fri Sep 3, 2004; substantive revision Mon Aug 21, 2017 Feminist philosophy of language has come a long way in a very short time period. Initially, most work in the area was critical, calling for changes either to language itself or to philosophy of language. More recently, however...

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Feminist Movement RATED A+


Feminism -the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men Equal Pay Act -made it illegal for employers to pay female workers less than men for the same job Betty Friedan -American Feminist, writer of The Feminine Mystique, cofounded NOW National Organization of...

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Feminists -are people who try to acknowledge social inequality based on gender and stop it from continuing; points out that in most cultures throughout history men have received more opportunities than women gender ideology -it is concerned with normative beliefs about proper roles for and fundam...

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Feminism - The belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes and the social movements organized around that belief. Feminist Movement - Designed to consider gender as a way society organizes social relations, generally resulting in inequality between the sexes. Sex - An ind...

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Feminism, New Right


What do most feminists believe about the family? -They believe that the family oppresses women and keeps men in power What do feminists believe about society? -They believe it is patriarchal Define patriarchy -Male dominated unit or society What are the three types of feminism? What do they aim ...

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Feminism types ALREADY PASSED


Liberal feminism - to create a world in which people are judged for their individual characteristics without regard to sex. - Liberal feminists do tend to work through the system more than radfems or marxfems; - liberal feminists believe that many social problems can be meaningfully addressed thr...

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Feminism theory and methods


Feminism: BASICS --Inequality in every society, women inferior, feminism rectifies -Gender norms are social constructs designed to discriminate against/oppress women. Children socialised this way -Patriarchy=female disadvantage -Political activism to rectify systematic injustice -Work with govs...

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Feminism - The State RATED A+


To what extent do feminists disagree about the role of the state? - more divided than united themes - personal is political state's role in destroying patriarchy 6 structures personal is political united - Personal is political arguably unites feminists as all want women to have equal access t...

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Feminism Summary EXAMS RATED A+


Explain the theme of the public/private divide. - Politics an activity which takes place in the public divide, family life and relationships seen in private sphere, modern feminists insist politics takes place in all social groups and not just within government, exists whenever social conflict is ...

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Feminism Summary A LEVAL


Explain the theme of the public/private divide. - Politics an activity which takes place in the public divide, family life and relationships seen in private sphere, modern feminists insist politics takes place in all social groups and not just within government, exists whenever social conflict is ...

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Feminism Speech 100% PASSED


Before I start, I want to sort one thing out. Feminists are not angry women who hate men. Feminists do not believe women are better than men, or that women deserve special privileges. Feminists do not believe that women are the victims. - In fact, in order to be considered a feminist, you only nee...

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Feminism Revision ALREADY PASSED


Liberal Feminist View - Patriarchy -- Affecting the public sphere - Affecting legal and political equality (past - Affecting equality of opportunity (today) Socialist Feminist View - Patriarchy -- Empahsises the economic aspects of patriarchy - Operates in tandem with capitalism, gender subordin...

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Feminism RATED A+


Why is it important to study gender? - Gender is the perceived masculinity or feminitiy, it extends past the biological aspects of sex-gender is directly associated with ones identity, gender norms help affirm authority within relationships (especially in the political arena); Gender is learned th...

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7 types of feminism - Radical, Liberal, Marxist, Difference, Black, Post structural and Dual system Radical feminism - They blame men for women's oppression. Men dominate and control women in all areas of society, both public and private. What is the solution of oppression to radical feminists? ...

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Feminism - A movement that seeks to obtain the social, political, and economic equality of men and women Ecuador - Removed male from constitution requirements for citizenship in the Constitution of 1896 Dr. Matilde Hidalgo - Wanted to sign up to vote in 1922 but was denied for being a woman, she...

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What do all Feminists agree upon? - - Conflict theory (conflict between men and women) - Gender inequality exists in all areas of society - ^^ This is a result of patriarchy - The study society rom the viewpoint of women and seek to liberate women from oppression. What do Liberal feminists think...

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Waves of Feminism - - First Wave Feminism: Emerged in the mid 19th century and concentrated on the campaign for the vote and equal legal rights. In the UK it ended with the extension of the vote to women in 1918 and full suffrage in 1928. - Second Wave Feminism: Held to have started in the 1960s....

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I hardly believe the fair sex is capable of principles - Kant Though questioning the natural differences between men and women, says in one book that participation enlarges the self, and in another assumes women choose the domestic life - Mill We own what we produce, yet women work hard to produc...

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Feminismalready passed


Briefly outline the 4 waves of feminism - First wave (1850s-1940s): focused on legal and political rights of women, mostly famously via the suffragette movement, culminated in equal suffrage (1928). Second Wave (1960s-80s): focused on the different roles that society expected of men and women. Co...

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Feminism- Ideologies


Human nature for feminists - Women have biological differences but they are irrelevant. essentialism - we must take the differences into account to help women. What did betty Frieden say about imposing expectations on themselves? - women impose the role of children on themselves. The state for s...

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Race -A social construction - Imposing social meanings onto real and/or imagined physiological characteristic (superiority/inferiority) - A way to legitimize the colonial subjugation/subordination of European colonized and continue to deny them access to resources - Racism in engrained in natio...

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Race -A social construction - Imposing social meanings onto real and/or imagined physiological characteristic (superiority/inferiority) - A way to legitimize the colonial subjugation/subordination of European colonized and continue to deny them access to resources - Racism in engrained in natio...

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Feminism GRADED A+


Liberal feminism - -Early first wave feminism (in 19th and early 20th century) was deeply influenced by liberal ideas in general, and Mary Wollstonecraft in particular. With her view being that both men and women are rational and women acting 'childish' in her society was the effect of social e...

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Feminism Final 100% PASSED


What is colorism? - differential treatment based on skin tone that generally manifests itself as a preference for lighter colored skin -a prejudice that continues to exist not only among blacks but also among many POC and whites What does it mean to say someone/something is exoticized? - viewed a...

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First Wave - Developed in the mid nineteenth century and was based on political and legal parity with men. Franchise - Also known as the right to vote Mary Wollstonecraft - Wrote the seminal first wave feminist piece of writing 'A vindication of the Rights of Woman' Seneca Falls Convention - ...

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Feminism core ideas and principles


What are the five feminist principles? - Sex and gender Patriarchy The personal is the political Equality feminism and difference feminism Intersectionality What is the definition of sex? - Biological differnces between men and women Assigned a sex at birth What does it mean to be an equality...

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feminism and the economy


All feminists recognise the existence of the patriarchy - Socialist feminists think this would create the biggest dent in the so called patriarchy of male dominance. Simone De Beauvoir noted how men dominated economic life, limiting the life choice of women men use the home to recover from being ...

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Feminism and Environmentalism


Feminism - Broadly defined, feminism is an ideology and political project based on the belief that men and women are treated unequally socially, politically, and economically. • It aims to identify and abolish the sources of women's oppression in all spheres of life. • There is not one femin...

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On what grounds have radical feminists claimed that 'the personal is the political'? --Radical feminism has been closely associated with the idea that 'the personal is the political'. By this they mean that female oppression operates in all walks of life, public and private, and in many respec...

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Feminism RATED A+


What do radical feminists (old feminists) dislike about the 4th wave? E.g. Kate Millett - 2nd wave believe you shouldn't conform to the patriarchy's demands whereas the 4th wave believe you should wear what you like to feel empowered. Believe women had a choice regarding the Harvey Weinstein sc...

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feminism 101 GRADED A+


first wave -(1830's - early1900's) -Women's right to vote, as well as fight for equal contract and property rights -Seneca Falls -Susan B Anthony second wave -(1960's-1980's) - Focused on the workplace, sexuality, family and reproductive rights/reproductive justice. - Betty Friedan - Mar...

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Feminism 100% PASSED


What is feminism? - A political movement and ideology that aims to advance social rile of women. What are the two beliefs that characterize feminism? - -Women and men are treated differently because of their sex -Unequal treatment can and should be overturned What is the central concept of femi...

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Feminism 18 GRADED A+


SECTION 1: Overview of feminism - Name the strands Briefly describe each State the approximate wave - - LIBERAL feminism - supporting reform (1st wave). - RADICAL feminism - supporting revolution (2nd and 3rd wave). - SOCIALIST feminism - the most extreme and are Marxists (2nd wave) - POSTMO...

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Perspective - Tends to see society as divided by gender where women are exploited - patriarchal society Ultimate aim is to end men's domination and get rid of society of women's exploitation. Emphasises the difference between women and believe oppression of women exists but not seen in the sam...

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Feminism 16 GRADED A+


Feminism -the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men Feminism key concepts -- It is a conflict theory which suggests that there is a patriarchal oppression towards women in society - That sociology is male stream where male thinkers only focus on the issue...

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Feminism 16 100% PASSED


Liberal feminism- Oakley - SEX & GENDER Oakley distinguishes between sex and gender: Sex- your biological makeup. Gender- what you socially regard yourself to be. THE ENLIGHTENMENT PROJECT Liberal feminists recognise the successive progress towards gender equality: Changes in socialisation and...

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Week 1: Introduction to Feminism


Feminist Politics: Where We Stand (Hooks) - A perspective that acknowledges the oppression of women within a patriarchal society and struggles towards the elimination of sexist oppression and domination for all human beings Women's Health From a Feminist Perspective (Low, Bailey) - Much of medic...

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Unit 2 Politics- Feminism


What are the core ideas and principles? - -Most of these core ideas and principles are associated with the second wave radical feminism. -Radical feminism introduced new ideas and concepts for discussing and challenging the role of women in society. -Although there has been discussion before it ...

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Types Of Feminism


Liberal Feminism - -Explains oppression of women in terms of of unequal access to existing political, economic, and social institutions -Concerned with women's rights being equal to those of men and that women have equal access to opportunities -Criticized because it accepts existing institutio...

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Types of Feminism in Society


Liberal Feminism -Is an individualistic form of feminist theory, which focuses on women's ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices. Liberal feminists argue that society holds the false belief that women are, by nature, less intellectually and physically capable tha...

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Types of Feminism


Goal of Liberal Feminism -Treating women the same as men/giving women the same rights as men Key Words of Liberal Feminism (6) -o Freedom o Equality o Choice o Rationality o Rights o Control What has Liberal Feminism achieved? (2) -Showed how thoughts about women and their biology, psycholog...

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theory and methods - feminism


Introduction - - Feminism sees society as male dominated and it aims to describe, explain and change the position of women in society - it is also a political movement - The first wave of feminism appeared in the late 19th century with the suffragettes' campaign for the right to vote - the secon...

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Theory and methods-feminism


feminist see society as male - dominated there are differenent waves of feminism and they often criticise society for being - malestream Liberalism - concerned civil and human rights of the individual reformism - progress towards equal rights be achieved by gradual reforms in society liberal fem...

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Theory and Methods: Feminism


malestream -how feminists believe many see society - male-dominated and from their perspective only subordinated -how feminists see females as being treated in society, and is part of their political movement to change their position late 19th century -the 'first wave' of feminism, with the su...

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Sociology- Feminism RATED A+


What are the 4 types of feminism? -Liberal Radical Difference Marxist What do liberal feminists believe the main cause of the oppression of women? -The society in the past and the environment they are bought up in- women are oppressed because in the past it was acceptable for women to take the...

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Sociology Feminism


Problems With Feminism -Ignores consesnsus in society. They are too preoccupied with gender inequality. They don't focus enough on issues like social class and ethnicity. Sylvia Walby 1990: 1st main way patriarchy works in society? -1. Domestic labour serves men. 2. Paid work - Women still poun...

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