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[Show more]Important APUSH Dates with 100% 
Correct Answers |UPDATED| 
1492 *Ans* Columbus arrives in America 
1607 *Ans* Jamestown founded 
1620 *Ans* Plymouth 
Mayflower Compact 
1676 *Ans* Bacon's Rebellion 
1754-63 *Ans* French and Indian War 
1775-83 *Ans* Revolutionary War 
1776 *Ans* Declaration of In...
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Add to cartImportant APUSH Dates with 100% 
Correct Answers |UPDATED| 
1492 *Ans* Columbus arrives in America 
1607 *Ans* Jamestown founded 
1620 *Ans* Plymouth 
Mayflower Compact 
1676 *Ans* Bacon's Rebellion 
1754-63 *Ans* French and Indian War 
1775-83 *Ans* Revolutionary War 
1776 *Ans* Declaration of In...
APUSH Period Exam 
Elaboration |UPDATED| 
laissez faire *Ans* Economic liberalism that believes in unrestricted private enterprise 
and no government interference in the economy. 
Social Darwinism *Ans* The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the 
fittest" to human societies ...
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Add to cartAPUSH Period Exam 
Elaboration |UPDATED| 
laissez faire *Ans* Economic liberalism that believes in unrestricted private enterprise 
and no government interference in the economy. 
Social Darwinism *Ans* The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the 
fittest" to human societies ...
APUSH Unit 5 Guide |UPDATED| 100% 
Uncle Tom's Cabin Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1853 that highly influenced 
england's view on the American Deep South and slavery. a novel promoting abolition. 
intensified sectional conflict. 
Lecompton Constitution Supported the existence of ...
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Add to cartAPUSH Unit 5 Guide |UPDATED| 100% 
Uncle Tom's Cabin Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1853 that highly influenced 
england's view on the American Deep South and slavery. a novel promoting abolition. 
intensified sectional conflict. 
Lecompton Constitution Supported the existence of ...
APUSH Terminologies Review |100% 
Correct Answers| [UPDATED] 
10 Percent Plan *Ans* Proposed by Lincoln in 1863 to reconstruct the South. 
13thAmendment *Ans* 1865 abolished slavery in all areas of the United States. Major 
achievement of the Civil War 
14th Amendment *Ans* 1868 defined citizens l...
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Add to cartAPUSH Terminologies Review |100% 
Correct Answers| [UPDATED] 
10 Percent Plan *Ans* Proposed by Lincoln in 1863 to reconstruct the South. 
13thAmendment *Ans* 1865 abolished slavery in all areas of the United States. Major 
achievement of the Civil War 
14th Amendment *Ans* 1868 defined citizens l...
APUSH Gilded Age Exam Review 
The Gilded Age *Ans* The age between the Civil War and WWI when the American 
economy grew rapidly and individuals were able to use monopolies to amass great wealth. 
Marked by political corruption and shady business deals. Named after the Mark Twain 
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Add to cartAPUSH Gilded Age Exam Review 
The Gilded Age *Ans* The age between the Civil War and WWI when the American 
economy grew rapidly and individuals were able to use monopolies to amass great wealth. 
Marked by political corruption and shady business deals. Named after the Mark Twain 
APUSH Complete Test 
Questions+Answers [100% Correct] 
|Latest Release| 
Before the coming of Europeans, the peoples who lived in what is now the United States 
had not developed *Ans* A common language 
The first European country to launch long ocean voyages of exploration was 
*Ans* Portugal 
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Add to cartAPUSH Complete Test 
Questions+Answers [100% Correct] 
|Latest Release| 
Before the coming of Europeans, the peoples who lived in what is now the United States 
had not developed *Ans* A common language 
The first European country to launch long ocean voyages of exploration was 
*Ans* Portugal 
APUSH Chapter 1 Exam Elaboration |Latest 
Release| [UPDATED] 
Neolithic revolution *Ans* the transition from hunting and gathering to farming. In 
Central America at about 8,000 b.c.e. aided by the development of cron 
North American societies before outside contact *Ans* small bands of people livi...
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Add to cartAPUSH Chapter 1 Exam Elaboration |Latest 
Release| [UPDATED] 
Neolithic revolution *Ans* the transition from hunting and gathering to farming. In 
Central America at about 8,000 b.c.e. aided by the development of cron 
North American societies before outside contact *Ans* small bands of people livi...
APUSH Final Exam Review with 100% 
Correct Answers |Latest Release| 
Massachusetts Bay Colony *Ans* Established in 1629 by the Puritans. Governor John 
Winthrop called it a "city upon a hill." Established for religious purposes. 
Puritans *Ans* Religious dissidents who traveled to the New World ...
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Add to cartAPUSH Final Exam Review with 100% 
Correct Answers |Latest Release| 
Massachusetts Bay Colony *Ans* Established in 1629 by the Puritans. Governor John 
Winthrop called it a "city upon a hill." Established for religious purposes. 
Puritans *Ans* Religious dissidents who traveled to the New World ...
APUSH Review Ch.1-24 |100% Correct 
Bacon's Rebellion *Ans* In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, a Virginia planter, led a group of 300 
settlers in a war against the local Native Americans. When Virginia's royal governor 
questioned Bacon's actions, Bacon and his men looted and burned Jamestow...
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Add to cartAPUSH Review Ch.1-24 |100% Correct 
Bacon's Rebellion *Ans* In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, a Virginia planter, led a group of 300 
settlers in a war against the local Native Americans. When Virginia's royal governor 
questioned Bacon's actions, Bacon and his men looted and burned Jamestow...
6.4 || APUSH || The New South EXAM 
New South *Ans* Term that identified southern promoters' belief in the technologically 
advanced industrial South 
Henry Grady *Ans* Journalist from Georgia who coined the phrase "New South". Promoted 
his ideas through the Atlanta Constitution, a...
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Add to cart6.4 || APUSH || The New South EXAM 
New South *Ans* Term that identified southern promoters' belief in the technologically 
advanced industrial South 
Henry Grady *Ans* Journalist from Georgia who coined the phrase "New South". Promoted 
his ideas through the Atlanta Constitution, a...
APUSH Mid-Term EXAM Review [100% 
Jamestown *Ans* First permanent English settlement in North America 
John Smith *Ans* Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict 
discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter 
John Rolfe *Ans* He was one o...
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Add to cartAPUSH Mid-Term EXAM Review [100% 
Jamestown *Ans* First permanent English settlement in North America 
John Smith *Ans* Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict 
discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter 
John Rolfe *Ans* He was one o...
AP US History |LATEST| 100% Correct 
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) *Ans* An agreement between Portugal and Spain which 
declared that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean 
would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong ...
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Add to cartAP US History |LATEST| 100% Correct 
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) *Ans* An agreement between Portugal and Spain which 
declared that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean 
would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong ...
APUSH All Vocabulary Exam [100% 
Correct] |UPDATED| 
Trail of Tears *Ans* The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They 
traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, 
and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. Mo...
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Add to cartAPUSH All Vocabulary Exam [100% 
Correct] |UPDATED| 
Trail of Tears *Ans* The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They 
traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, 
and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. Mo...
with 100% Correct Answers 
Cahokia ("Mississippi Culture") *Ans* Largest North American city located in St.Louis, 
Eastern Woodland society which farmed corn and grains in the fertile valleys of the 
Mississippi River and established cities made of earthen mound...
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with 100% Correct Answers 
Cahokia ("Mississippi Culture") *Ans* Largest North American city located in St.Louis, 
Eastern Woodland society which farmed corn and grains in the fertile valleys of the 
Mississippi River and established cities made of earthen mound...
Multiple-choice questions APUSH unit 4 
100% Correct 
Jacksonian Democrats favored all of the following EXCEPT 
(A) rotation in office 
(B) universal suffrage for white males 
(C) the caucus system of nominating candidates 
(D) rewarding political supporters with government jobs 
(E) presidenti...
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Add to cartMultiple-choice questions APUSH unit 4 
100% Correct 
Jacksonian Democrats favored all of the following EXCEPT 
(A) rotation in office 
(B) universal suffrage for white males 
(C) the caucus system of nominating candidates 
(D) rewarding political supporters with government jobs 
(E) presidenti...
1492 *Ans* Christopher Columbus' first voyage to new world 
1588 *Ans* Defeat of Spanish armada my England 
1607 *Ans* English settlement begins with founding of Jamestown 
1620 *Ans* Pilgrims arrive in Plymoth in New England 
1763 *Ans* Peace of Paris ends French & Ind...
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Add to cartAPUSH TOP 40 Q&A |VERIFIED| 
1492 *Ans* Christopher Columbus' first voyage to new world 
1588 *Ans* Defeat of Spanish armada my England 
1607 *Ans* English settlement begins with founding of Jamestown 
1620 *Ans* Pilgrims arrive in Plymoth in New England 
1763 *Ans* Peace of Paris ends French & Ind...
Latest APUSH Exam Review Periods 1-9 
(Complete Guide) |2024 RELEASE| 
Study Tips *Ans* So you don't have to do all 112 terms at the same time, you can star all 
of the terms in a certain period, and study only those until you get them right, then move 
on to the next period. 
I recommend going...
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Add to cartLatest APUSH Exam Review Periods 1-9 
(Complete Guide) |2024 RELEASE| 
Study Tips *Ans* So you don't have to do all 112 terms at the same time, you can star all 
of the terms in a certain period, and study only those until you get them right, then move 
on to the next period. 
I recommend going...
APUSH Exam Guide |Basic Knowledge 
+ Introduction| with 100% Correct 
Jamestown 1607 *Ans* Colony in Virginia, The first successful settlement in the Virginia 
colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony. The settlement 
became part of the Joint Stock Virgi...
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Add to cartAPUSH Exam Guide |Basic Knowledge 
+ Introduction| with 100% Correct 
Jamestown 1607 *Ans* Colony in Virginia, The first successful settlement in the Virginia 
colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony. The settlement 
became part of the Joint Stock Virgi...
Period APUSH |100% 
Pueblo *Ans* a name for the Native Americans of the present-day southwestern US 
Pueblos were also apartment like structures make of adobe and mud that formed the 
"towns" of the pueblo people 
Chinook *Ans* Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest of the ...
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Add to cartPeriod APUSH |100% 
Pueblo *Ans* a name for the Native Americans of the present-day southwestern US 
Pueblos were also apartment like structures make of adobe and mud that formed the 
"towns" of the pueblo people 
Chinook *Ans* Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest of the ...
Latest AP US History Exam Review 
|100% Correct| 
Chapter 3: Discovering and Settling the New World *Ans* ... 
John Calvin *Ans* French humanist whose theological writings profoundly influenced 
religious thoughts of Europeans. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Wrote Institutes of 
Christian Religio...
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Add to cartLatest AP US History Exam Review 
|100% Correct| 
Chapter 3: Discovering and Settling the New World *Ans* ... 
John Calvin *Ans* French humanist whose theological writings profoundly influenced 
religious thoughts of Europeans. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Wrote Institutes of 
Christian Religio...
Correct Answers] 
Chesapeake Bay Area *Ans* majority of migrants who moves there were indentured 
servants, economy based on tobacco, few women, less democratic 
Deism *Ans* the belief that God had created the world but allowed it to operate through 
the laws of nat...
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Add to cartAP: APUSH EXAM 3 REVIEW [100% 
Correct Answers] 
Chesapeake Bay Area *Ans* majority of migrants who moves there were indentured 
servants, economy based on tobacco, few women, less democratic 
Deism *Ans* the belief that God had created the world but allowed it to operate through 
the laws of nat...
Latest AP US History Exam Review 
|100% Correct| 
Chapter 3: Discovering and Settling the New World *Ans* ... 
John Calvin *Ans* French humanist whose theological writings profoundly influenced 
religious thoughts of Europeans. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Wrote Institutes of 
Christian Religio...
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Add to cartLatest AP US History Exam Review 
|100% Correct| 
Chapter 3: Discovering and Settling the New World *Ans* ... 
John Calvin *Ans* French humanist whose theological writings profoundly influenced 
religious thoughts of Europeans. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Wrote Institutes of 
Christian Religio...
Approved APUSH Study Guide with 
Correct Answers |UPDATED| 
Jamestown 1607 *Ans* First permanent English settlement in North America founded 
by the Virginia Company. 
Captain John Smith *Ans* Saved Jamestown 1610. Brief association with the Native 
American girl Pocahontas. 
First Africans *Ans* ...
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
Add to cartApproved APUSH Study Guide with 
Correct Answers |UPDATED| 
Jamestown 1607 *Ans* First permanent English settlement in North America founded 
by the Virginia Company. 
Captain John Smith *Ans* Saved Jamestown 1610. Brief association with the Native 
American girl Pocahontas. 
First Africans *Ans* ...
APUSH AP Test with 100% Correct Answers 
Jamestown, 1607 *Ans* First permanent English colony, founded by the Virginia 
Company of London 
First Africans brought to Virginia, 1619 *Ans* The Africans became indentured 
servants, similar in legal position to many poor Englishmen who tra...
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Add to cartAPUSH AP Test with 100% Correct Answers 
Jamestown, 1607 *Ans* First permanent English colony, founded by the Virginia 
Company of London 
First Africans brought to Virginia, 1619 *Ans* The Africans became indentured 
servants, similar in legal position to many poor Englishmen who tra...
Barron's APUSH Exam Guide with 100% 
Correct Answers |LATEST| 
Christopher Columbus *Ans* 
*Italian-born navigator who found fame when he landed in the Americas(Oct. 12, 1492) 
*Set sail on behalf of Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and his flagship, the Santa 
*Originally, he...
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Add to cartBarron's APUSH Exam Guide with 100% 
Correct Answers |LATEST| 
Christopher Columbus *Ans* 
*Italian-born navigator who found fame when he landed in the Americas(Oct. 12, 1492) 
*Set sail on behalf of Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and his flagship, the Santa 
*Originally, he...
[APUSH] Ultimate Review Question 
|2024 Release| 
Mayflower Compact *Ans* 1620- the first agreement for self- government in America. It 
was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth 
William Bradford *Ans* a pilgrim, the second governor of the Plymou...
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Add to cart[APUSH] Ultimate Review Question 
|2024 Release| 
Mayflower Compact *Ans* 1620- the first agreement for self- government in America. It 
was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth 
William Bradford *Ans* a pilgrim, the second governor of the Plymou...
APUSH Full Exam Study Guide with 
100% Correct Answers 
Mayflower Compact *Ans* 1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. 
It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth 
William Bradford *Ans* A Pilgrim, the second governor of the ...
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Add to cartAPUSH Full Exam Study Guide with 
100% Correct Answers 
Mayflower Compact *Ans* 1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. 
It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth 
William Bradford *Ans* A Pilgrim, the second governor of the ...
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