Global Governance – The United Nations and Globa
Governance: refers to a system of rules, norms, codes, regulations and compliance m
human activity, especially at the global level. Also links to the act of governing and ex
body or organisation such as the United Nations. The political processes of interactio
private and public institutions involved in a collective issue that lead to the creation, rein
and norms.
The world is effectively governed by numerous global organisation such United Natio
between countries to solve global social, economic, environmental and political issues in a
United Nations:
The UN is a global inter-governmental organisation that was
the ineffective league of nations, when founded the UN had o
of 193 member states such as the USA, Australia and Japan.
The formation of the UN was a direct response to the end of
to prevent another world war or humanitarian disaster hap
global issues which are affecting Humanity now - peac
sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, te
emergencies, gender equality, food production, and more. Th
UN four main aims. The UN takes responsibility for growth,
all region’s sustainability, both economically and environmen
1. To maintain international peace and security
2. to develop friendly relations among nations based
self determination
3. to foster worldwide cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural and humanit
4. To promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.
These aims are found in Article 1 of the UN “Charter”. The UN ‘Charter’, is an
agreement that must be signed by its member states, states the requirements of a
country to cooperate with the global governance of current global issues. The
charter was signed on 26th June 1945 by 50 countries. The charter set out the six
main organs of the UN which would focus on the aims being the general assembly,
security council, the trusteeship council, international court of justice and the
secretariat. The head of the UN is called the ‘Secretary-General’ – currently
occupying this position is Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese man who has held the
position since January 2017.
The UN’s member states include countries from all 6 human-occupied continents.
All countries in the world are represented by the UN except for two, Vatican City
and Palestine The UN’s headquarters is in Manhattan, New York – one of the three
‘World Cities’, with a huge level of power & influence over global governance. The
UN has major offices placed in 5 co
Main centres
Africa – Nairobi, Kenya, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Asia – Bangkok, Thailand
Europe – Vienna, Austria, Geneva, Switzerland, Hague, Netherlands
South America – Santiago, Chile
North America – New York, USA
The UN won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001. In 70 years, the UN agencies, funds,
programmes and staff have been awarded the Nobel peace prize eleven times.
The Evaluations of the UN's effectiveness have been mixed. Some believe the UN to
be an important force for world peace & human development, while others have