Power and Development Notes
Different types of global power
Power – the ability to exert influence through various means over others
- Relates to the methods nation-states use to exercise control and achieve the outcomes they
Realists suggest that nation states live in a global self-help environment
- Focus is on survival
- There is no supranational authority capable of enforcing global standards of behaviour
- States are always colliding with each other as they seek to protect their own interest
- Conflict is inevitable
Liberals say that power in the international system is interconnected
- ESPC with the advance of globalisation
- Interests of states are so closely intertwined that they gain more from cooperation than
from competition
Considering power
One way to consider power of nation state is in terms of its key capabilities
A state strength can be measured by several fundamental capabilities
Economic capability
Measured in GDP / GDP per capita
May also include factors such as trade balances, levels of debt, stability of economic growth,
influence over trade rules and contributions to international programmes and organisations
Military strength
Not only the size of the nation’s army but also its global reach
Global reach – state’s ability to deploy anywhere at any time
Includes naval strength, air force capacity and tech capabilities (nuclear weapons, drones, and
cyber tech)
Cultural appeal
Represents a state’s global cultural outreach
Through tv, film, food, fashion, celebrities, and brand names
Some argue that the world is becoming homogenised while some say it’s a melting pot of
Nation states cultural appeal can provide it with soft power influence in international relations
Globalisation has helped USA globally expand its influence (Americanisation)
, Diplomatic strength
Includes elements of structural power, the reach of its foreign policy, the global impression a
state makes, together with its ability to utilise its power of influence
For a state to show diplomatic strength, it must provide leadership on issues such as conflict
resolution, the environment, the global economy, and poverty
Relatively straightforward measure but has complexities
A large population can give a state significant power and influence, but can also create problems
- Large population – many people live below the poverty line – govt will be preoccupied with
the internal social and economic problems this creates
Important to note whether the population ageing and whether it is fertile
- Russia has poor fertility levels and a declining population
Japan has suffered from its resistance to immigration which has reduced its capacity for
Structural power
Represents the state’s capacity to influence INGOs
USA provides the largest share of funding for the World Bank
China financially dominates the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Regional power
Some states may have significant influence in their respective regions
May pool sovereignty to increase their influence
- This can give them greater structural and diplomatic pressure, especially in terms of
influence with IGOs
- Example: The USA is the dominant force on The Organisation of American States
Research and development
Refers to the amount a state can spend on R&D
Serves as a status symbol and can provide a state with a strategic advantage