Irish rebellion
NCP = no clear plan
Objective Duratio Location Strategy Tactics Leadership Size Support
Henry VII
1486 - Restore the 1 York, NCP NCP Viscount Lovell A Poor nobility, no foreign
Stafford & Yorkist month Worcestershire Sir Thomas and few
Lovell monarchy, Sir Humphrey doze
restore their Stafford - had n
status. had
status/wealth in
the past, but
none now
1486-7 - Kill Henry VII 5 Lancashire Pretender - Direct confrontation Simnel, John de 8000 English and Irish nobles, bishops, German
Simnel and replace months clear usurper to with Henry’s troops la Pole (incl. mercenaries (funded by Margaret of
him with take over. Enlist 2000 Burgundy)
Simnel foreign support Ger
1489 - To prevent >1 Yorkshire Violence - killed No real organisation Initially was Uncl One bastard noble
Yorkshire paying the month Northumberlan Robert Chamber, ear -
tax imposed d a yeoman of a
to defend York. Later - Sir large
Brittany John Egremont, a grou
bastard member p of
, of the Percy peas
family ants
1497 - To rid 3 Cornwall, March to Besiege county Initially was the 15,0 Priests, several abbots, monks, local
Cornish themselves months marched to London towns commoner 00 gentry, sheriffs, even some MPs
of the London Joseph, then
subsidy to (Blackheath) Flamank, then:
pay for war Lord Audley, a
with Scotland noble
1497 - Overthrow 6 years Cork, Kent, Pretender to Raise troops from Warbeck (the 8000 James IV of Scotland (£1200 annually,
Warbeck the monarch Cornwall usurp the disaffected counties pretender), troops), Margaret of Burgundy (provided
throne Stanley (a noble) ships and mercenaries), Cornish
peasants, Irish troops, nobility support
Henry VIII
1525 - To have the 3 Essex, Kent, Protest until the Peaceful protest Peasantry 4000 The Archbishop of Canterbury,
Amicable tax rescinded months Warwickshire, tax was commoners, some MPs
Grant Norfolk and rescinded
1536-7 - Undo the 4 Lincolnshire, Force nobility to Take castles, use Robert Aske 40,0 Nobility, clergy, commoners
Pilgrimage of Henrician months Yorkshire, join to give violence, proclaim (leader, captain, 00
Grace reformation, Bigod, rebellion loyalty to the King spokesperson)
restore the Cumberland legitimacy and nobles like:
monasteries Robert Dymoke,
Lord Darcy, Sir
Thomas Percy
1534-7 - To have his 9 Dublin Invade the Pale Guerrilla warfare Silken Thomas 1000 Irish
Kildare father months and his five Pope
released uncles Charles V
from the Spain
Tower of