The Fachetti Group:
The areas that will be covered in this presentation are;
● The strategic objectives of Fachetti’s Kitchen
● The current management challenges faced by The Fachetti Group
● Figure 3 - financial information for Fachetti's Kitchen for 2020
● The proposals for the current management challenges
● Recommendations
,Speaker’s Notes:
The Fachetti Group was made up of two divisions; the restaurant division and the manufacturing division that sells chilled gourmet
Italian meals to supermarkets. However under Fabio’s plan for the future of the business, the restaurant division is no longer in
operation and all focus is on the manufacturing division.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide the management of The Fachetti Group with an analysis of the current management
challenges, the proposals to solve the corresponding challenges and the recommendations for the implementation of each proposal
with consideration for the impact on each strategic objective. The following areas that will be covered in this presentation are as
● The strategic objectives of Fachetti’s Kitchen
● The current management challenges faced by The Fachetti Group
● Figure 3 - financial information for Fachetti's Kitchen for 2020
● The proposals for the current management challenges
● Recommendations
,Strategic objectives:
Fabio’s Goals for Fachetti’s Kitchen:
1. Zero defect production
2. Reduce staff turnover to January 2020 levels
3. Increase net profit by 10%
, Speaker’s Notes:
Under Fabio’s new plan for the future of the business, he set the following goals;
1. Zero defect production which is a model that aims to reduce and minimise defects in the production process. In the Fachetti’s
Kitchen division, this means to produce the maximum number of meals, with the minimum number of defects which will increase
net profit.
2. To reduce staff turnover to January 2020 levels. Staff turnover is the percentage of employees that leave a business over a
certain period of time. The higher the rate of staff turnover, the worse it is for the business, as it shows that lots of staff are
quitting their jobs. To achieve this goal the staff turnover rate has to fall by 10%.
3. To increase net profit by 10%. Net profit is the final amount of money that the business makes, after deducting all costs and
expenses. Having a sufficient level of net profit is important because it will make the business financially stable and able to
cover debts, this is even more important considering the pandemic.
The impacts of the current management challenges and proposals on these strategic objectives are analysed later in this presentation.