Object-Oriented Programming Language
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a basic paradigm that is used by almost all
engineers at some point in their work. Object-Oriented Programming is a very popular
programming paradigm and is taught as a common way to code the many learning activities of
a programming career. OOP that relies on the concept of Classes and Objects. “Objects” which
can contain data and code. It is used to organize a software program into simple, useful pieces
of, which are used to create individual instances of objects. Computer programs are automated.
Object-Oriented Programming languages are different, but the most popular are class-based,
which means that objects are instances of classes, which also determine their types. There’re
many OOP languages including PHP, JavaScript, C#, C++, Java, R, VisualBasic.NET, Ruby, Perl,
Dart, Swift, Kotlin, and Python. The class is an abstract blueprint used to create clear, objects.
Classes usually represent broad categories. These Classes explain that what attributes an
instance of this type will have but not the value of those attributes of a particular object.
Classes can contain functions, called methods that are only available on objects of that type.
These functions are defined within the class and perform a useful action on that particular type
of object. Class templates are used as a blueprint for create individual objects. These represent
some examples of the abstract class. Each object may have different values for the properties
described in the class.
Object-Oriented Programming History
OOP made its first appearance at MIT in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The OOP began
with the Simula language (1967), which added to the hidden information in ALGOL. Simula
introduces important concepts today that are an integral part of an object-oriented program,
such as class and object, inheritance. Simula language has been used primarily by researchers
involved in physical modelings, such as models to study. Another influential object-oriented
language was Smalltalk (1980), in which the program was a collection of communications. In the
1970s, the first version of Smalltalk language was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Dan
Ingalls, and Adele Goldberg. The Smalltalk-72 included a programming environment and was
dynamically typed, and was originally interpreted, not compiled. In the 1980s, there were a few
attempts to design processor structures that included hardware support for objects in memory
but these weren't successful. In 1981, Goldberg organized the August edition of Byte Magazine,
presenting Smalltalk with a program that focused on a wide audience. In 1986, the Association
for Computing Machinery organized the first Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
which was attended by a thousand people unexpectedly. In the mid-1980s Objective-C was
founded by Brad Cox, who had used Smalltalk at ITT Inc., and Bjarne Stroustrup, who had used
, Simula in his PhD thesis, eventually went on to build a object-oriented C ++. In 1985, Bertrand
Meyer also produced the first Eiffel language design. Since the 1990s, Java has become one of
the most successful object-oriented language, developed by Sun Microsystems, as well as C #
and VB.NET, both built for Microsoft's .NET platform. Each of these two frameworks
demonstrates, in its own way.
Object-Oriented Programming Main-features
There are three main features in object-oriented programming that makes them
different than non-object-oriented programming languages.
And there are few other features: Objects and Classes, Open recursion, Method
overriding and overloading, Message passing, and Abstraction.
Message passing: It is conceptualized as a being passed to the object for dispatch.