Nadia Muhammad
Sector Organisations Settings Services Provided How are they funded?
1 - Public Sector NHS Foundation Hospitals e.g. Adult and community nursing services, health NHS Foundation Trusts are manage
Trusts visiting and school nursing, specialist services, such as a board of governors, which may
managing diabetes, sexual health or contraceptive include patients, staff, members of
services, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and public and members of partner
speech therapy services organisations. The trust is largely
financed by the government.
Adult Social Care Residential Home e.g. Care in the service user’s own home – such as help Care trusts have been established t
with cooking, cleaning, shopping and a wide range of are responsible both for the NHS
Day Centres
other personal daily needs, day centres to provide care, mental health services and the loca
Sheltered housing stimulation and company, sheltered housing schemes authority provision for people with
and training centres for adults with learning difficulties. mental illnesses.
Children’s Services Day Care e.g. Day Care (Child Minding and nurseries), help for Children’s social care is funded and
parents and carers with ‘parenting skills’, practical help delivered by 151 top-tier local
in the home, support of a children’s centre, authorities in England.
arrangements for fostering and adoption and safeguard
children who are at risk from abuse or significant harm.
GP Practices GP e.g. The number of people who live in residential or GP practices are funded from centr
nursing homes – this generates a higher workload, government as part of the National
, Nadia Muhammad
patient turnover – newer patients generate more work Health Service. They are funded
than established patients, levels of morbidity and according to their assessed workloa
mortality in the area and the age of their patients. from their patients.
• Learning aim B is all about the roles and responsibilities of organisations in providing health and social care services: To support your learning,
access the Unit 2’s book chapter to read between pages 113-116 Complete the 3 tables below as you identify and describe Health and Social Care
settings within the public sector, including services offered and how they are funded.
The Private and Voluntary Sector in Health and Social Care
Now, read Unit 2’s book chapter between pages 116-118 to identify health and Social Care settings within the Voluntary and Private sectors, including
services offered and how they are funded.
2 – The Voluntary Sector
Question 4 – Provide examples of 5 organisations and or charities that are part of the voluntary sector.
The Samaritans