Essay Plan on State
P1: Reformist v revolutionary, disagreement
Liberal feminism, second wave, betty friedan and Wollstonecraft
- State can play role in liberation by promoting legal and political equality, equality of opportunity and
representation ‘political emancipation’
- Lobbying for laws, liberation can be achieved through the state, do not need to reconstruct society
Socialist feminism, revolutionary, Sheila Rowbotham
- Reject liberal idea of state being a neutral bod, works in interest of capitalism and thus patriarchy
- Reserve army of labour, structured in favour of men e.g. laws that allow husbands to acquire the property of
- Fight together to overthrow capitalists state and therefore patriarchy
- Do bit think liberation can be achieved through that state, need to reconstruct society instead
P2: Public vs private sphere
Liberal Feminists, betty friedan
- State should take action to make education, career choices more available to women
- Problem of sexism is legislative and resolvable once state takes measures in employment and discrimination
- Patriarchy is not pervasive and systematic oppression of women instead highlighting discrimination will
slowly disappear, doesn’t seek to challenge private sphere
Radical Feminists
- Transform entire basis of society in both public and private sphere -> agreement with socialist feminists,
believe a full change in society, not only through the state
- State should play a role (slight agreement as state does play a role) in eradicating patriarchal values in
private sphere
- More provisions needed for fighting patriarchy
- Issue of sexism extends beyond that state but the state still has a role to play
P3: Equality of opportunity
Liberal feminists, Betty Friedan
- Women as capable as men, once laws that restricted society from any career paths were gone, gender
stereotypes and discrimination will go as well
- Equality of opp enough to allow womens liberation
Post-Modern, Bell hooks
- Liberal feminists too centralised around white, middle-upper class women
- Gender alone not primary factor, black women more disadvantaged, have racial factor as well
- Positive discrimination, state providing equality of opp may not be enough
Society Essay Plan
P1: Family, Agreement about existence of family issues
Socialist, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Young girls forced to conform to domestic role and motherhood, women also used in family life for
- Unpaid domestic labour, reserve army of labour, rearing the future generation of wokers, caring for current
, - Communal loving couples alongside couples, share domestic labour and companion ship
Radical, Kate Millet
- Stereotypes start in family, Kate Millet’s view ‘family is patriarchy’s chief institution’
- Both agree liberal focus on public sphere is too narrow, needs to be a complete societal change to get rid of
the pervasive nature of patriarchy in the family life
- Women do majority of the housework, they don’t have the time to pursue careers outside of the home ->
less financial independence
P2: Public v private sphere
- Must transform entire basis of society towards celebration of feminine values and vritues, relationships
between mean and women based on power and dominance
- Society treats women as property of husbands e.g. when women commit adultery, husband has legal right to
divorce and keep anything
- Want to ban porn, think that socialisation in children and young women lead to discrimination e.g. female
eunuch germaine greer
Liberal, betty friedan
- Primary goal is equality is public sphere, equal access to education, equal access to education, equal pay and
ending job sex segregation
- Better working condition and support for abortion and reproductive rights, only private sphere concerns
when they influence and impede equality in public sphere
P3: Intersectionality
Postmodern, bell hooks
- Challenge that gender is sole reason for inequality/ female oppression in society, black and working class
women experience the patriarchy in different ways
- Women need to be aware of cultural differences in society as well for bull liberation
- Intersectionality needed to achieve equality for women in society
Radical/2nd wave, kate millet, simone de beauvoir
- Eliminate gender to structure a person’s identity, idea of otherness, does against intersectionality
- Sister hood, disagreement, post-modern say that this excluded the experienced of minority women , focused
on forming a bond and generalising
- Radical believe that there is not a need to focus on cultural differences, instead the shared experience of
Economy Essay Plans
P1: Capitalism, slight agreement between the sections of socialist feminism about capitalism importance, however
disagreement about the complete combination of two
Socialism, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Sex and domestic economic went hand in hand, women reliant on sexual assets to please husbands so that
he financially supports family
- Economic independence only thing that could bring women freedom
- Capitalism based on accumulation of private property assuring the paternity of heirs vital to men so women
required to be virgins and monogamous
Modern Socialist, Simone de Beauvoir