...nment 3\BattleshipLove\BattleshipLove\BattleshipLove.py 1
from pprint import pprint as pp
import random
import time
import sys
turns = 0
Answer = "NaN"
Rows = 7
Columns = 7
print("Welcome to battleship!")
print("gridsize = 7 x 7")
# This part of the code will simply build the grid in a 7x7 format
# This is an example of a function as it returns the computers grid
# This uses parameters of rows and columns to create the grid of the correct size
def create_gridComputer(Rows, Columns):
#Creates the 2D Data Grid
gridComputer = []
for row in range(Rows): # This is a form of iteration
row = []
for col in range(Columns):
row.append(' ')
return gridComputer
gridComputer = create_gridComputer(Rows,Columns)
# This is another example of a function as its returning the players grid
def create_gridPlayer(Rows, Columns):
#Creates the 2D Data Grid
gridPlayer = []
for row in range(Rows):
row = []
for col in range(Columns):
row.append(' ')
return gridPlayer
gridPlayer = create_gridPlayer(Rows,Columns)
def display_gridComputer(gridComputer, Columns):
#Prints the labels for the grid
column_names = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[:Columns]
print(' | ' + ' | '.join(column_names.upper()) + ' |')
, ...nment 3\BattleshipLove\BattleshipLove\BattleshipLove.py 2
for number, row in enumerate(gridComputer):
print(number + 1, '| ' + ' | '.join(row) + ' |')
gridComputer = create_gridComputer(Rows, Columns)
display_gridComputer(gridComputer, Columns)
def display_gridPlayer(gridPlayer, Columns):
#Prints the labels for the grid
column_names = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[:Columns]
print(' | ' + ' | '.join(column_names.upper()) + ' |')
for number, row in enumerate(gridPlayer):
print(number + 1, '| ' + ' | '.join(row) + ' |')
gridPlayer = create_gridPlayer(Rows, Columns)
display_gridPlayer(gridPlayer, Columns)
def random_row1(gridComputer):
# Function, Makes a random row integer, computer picks random row
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer))
def random_col1(gridComputer):
# Function, Makes a random column integer, computer picks random column
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer[0]))
def random_row2(gridComputer):
#Makes a random row integer, computer picks random row
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer))
def random_col2(gridComputer):
#Makes a random column integer, computer picks random column
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer[0]))
def random_row3(gridComputer):
#Makes a random row integer, computer picks random row
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer))
def random_col3(gridComputer):
#Makes a random column integer, computer picks random column
return random.randint(1,len(gridComputer[0]))
def playerpick_row1(gridPlayer):
#Makes a random row integer, player picks random row
playerpickrow1 = int(input("Pick your First Row"))
return playerpickrow1