C.P5 Compare the application of psychological perspectives in local health and social care
Application of perspectives in Health and Social Care Settings
This report I’m going to be evaluating, explaining, and comparing the application of
psychological perspectives and their significance to managing and treating behaviours of my
case studies when increasing their social function when presented at two different settings I
referred them to.
Sarah is 42 years old and has ongoing clinical depression and attends a community
psychiatric clinic which supports her. Sarah has attempted suicide twice. I will refer her to
see a therapist at Harley therapy where she will receive counselling and psychotherapy.
Debbie is 39 years old and has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. She’s been carrying out
disturbing behaviours and her family are concerned. I will refer her to Priory that will treat
and support her to overcome her obsessive behaviours.
Setting Comparisons
Harley therapy is London’s trusted source for psychotherapy and counselling. It specialises
in short- or long-term treatment, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy for
different issues, from frequent worries to complex psychological conditions. They offer
counselling for clients who have anxiety, relationship and work issues, depression, sexual
problems, trauma, eating problems and more. Their depression counselling can help with
low moods, postnatal depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of desire, change in appetite, social
withdrawal, grief and loss and redundancy. There clinics are in the City of London, Canary
Wharf, London Bridge or Harley Street. This service can help Sarah underline the main cause
of her depressive behaviour by therapist examining her thoughts, feelings and behaviours
that are contributing to her low mood. They do this by developing special and personal
coping strategies for Sarah’s needs and teaching her tested techniques and tools that will be
necessary in the long run. Harley therapy aims to tackle Sarah depression and move forward
with a more positive outlook on life. Harley therapy has no barrier to whom counselling can
help. They welcome anyone regardless of their culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
or employment category. They believe counselling is for everyone including adults, couples,
families, teenagers, and children. To book a consultation, an individual could do an online
form, email, or call them. They will then set up an appointment and match them up with a
suitable psychotherapist or counsellor at one of the four central London locations.
Priory is the main independent provider of behavioural care in the UK. They treat more than
70 different conditions across a nationwide network of over 450 services that support
individual’s health care, education, and specialised needs. The services they deliver are
private and NHS healthcare, Education and Children’s services and Adult Care Services. The
private healthcare offer services that treat depression and anxiety, alcohol and drug
addictions, and anorexia nervosa and bulimia. At priory, they have a team of psychiatrists,
psychologist, therapist, and other highly qualified mental health professionals that provide