1509 - 1510
Henry VIII 1509 Claimed throne H8 is proclaimed king 2 days after the death of H7
1509 -
11th Marriage to CoA Anglo-Spanish alliance, opportunity to continue Tudor
June dynasty
1509 - Relations with France Pursuit of peace with France
1510 First Parliament disbands CLIL and cancelled 175 bonds and
1510 Execution Execution of Empson + Dudley
1510 Renewal of the Treaty of Louis XII of France, HVIII councillors renewed seeking a
Etaples continuation of peace.
1510 Wolsey Wolsey appointed as a royal councillor
1511 2nd Parliament Provided extraordinary revenue for France and Scotland,
Anticlerical Act reducing bene t of the clergy.
1511 Holy League HVIII joined holy League against France
1511 Religion John Colet preached a sermon which attacked problems
and abuses within church
1511 - War with France
1512 - 1513
1512 HVIII sent men to France Sent 10,000 men to south under the Marquis of
Dorset, achieved nothing, used by Ferdinand as a
diversionary tactic while he conquered Navarre
1512 Wolsey HVIII entrusts Wolsey with the organisation of 100,000
men for campaign for war in France, executed extremely
well and successful
1513 Execution Edmund de la Pole and Earl of Su olk executed, removal
of threats.
1513 Alliance Emperor Maximillian joins Ferdinand, Henry and the
Papacy against France
1513 Battle of Spurs Had 30,000 strong army, captured Therouanne and
Tournai, Earl of Shrewsbury raised over 4,000 men
1513 Battle of Flodden James IV killed along with 9 earls, 13 barons, 3 bishops.
English lost 1,000 men and Scots lost 10,000
1513 Wolsey Becomes Dean of York and Bishop of Tournai
1514 - 1516
1514 Treaty of Saint Germaine- Left England in possession of Therouanne and Tournai,
en-laye annual pension to get Henry to give up his claim of the
French throne, marriage alliance with H8 sis Mary + Louis
XIII, peace with France
1514 Government End of councillor governing and emergence of Wolsey as
chief minster
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, 1514 Wolsey Becomes Archbishop of York and Bishop of Lincoln
1514 - Religion 1,000 parishes investigated; little corruption found
1515 3rd Parliament Act of bene t of the clergy renewed
1515 Wolsey Created a cardinal by Pope Leo X and made Lord
Chancellor by H8
1515 Act of Resumption Wolsey wanted to increase revenue from the crown lands
as many had been granted away at the beginning of reign
and rev had decreased to £25k p.a., act returned some
lands to crown
1516 Star Chamber Wolsey extended use of court of star chamber to increase
cheap and fair justice, heard cases of alleged misconduct,
challenged the nobility, no. of cases heard each year
increased to about 120.
1517 - 1518
1517 Treaty of Cambrai Peace between Max I, Charles V and France
1517 National Inquiry Identi ed enclosed lands, legal cases drawn up against
landowners who have enclosed without permission, 74
defendants pleaded guilty.
1517 95 Thesis published Martin Luthers attack on the church began
1518 Treaty of London Made by Wolsey v successful, non aggression pact
between France, England, Spain and HRE.
1520 - 1522
1520 Field Cloth of Gold Event cost £15,000 H8 treasury, summit to strengthen
peace alliance between Eng + France
1520 Gov expenditure Gov expenditure 1.7 million
1521 - Hapsburg alliance/War with
1525 France
1521 Treaty of Bruges Between H8 and Charles V organised by Wolsey, to
improve relationship w Pope, gain territory in France,
marriage alliance between V and Mary
1521 - Primer Sold 41 editions
1522 National Survey Wolsey organised a national survey to assess who could
pay tax and how much – biggest survey since the
doomsday survey in 1086
1523 - 1524
1523 4th Parliament Extraordinary rev for French invasion, Anticlericalism
seemed to be reduced, called to grant the subsidy needed
to nance war against France
1523 Eng invaded northern France Both campaigns achieved little and were very costly
1523 National Enquiry Opposition from landowners over nation enquiry
1523 Forced Loans Forced loans on the people and from year before raised
around £200k based on survey
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