Unit 29
P8- Identify types of challenging behaviour
Challenging behaviour has a vastly different definition, however, a person’s behaviour is numerically
defined as challenging if it puts them or those around them at risk, or leads to poorer quality of life.
With the generic definition of challenging behaviour stated, what different types of challenging
behaviour are there? Well in this task, I will identify types of challenging behaviour starting with self-
Self-injury or self-harm
Self-injury or self-harm is when you hurt or injury yourself on purpose. It could be seen that an
individual is biting themselves or hitting their head on a wall, which would be classed as challenging
behaviour. Generally, any behaviour that involves self-injury or self-harm is a type of challenging
behaviour. Self-injury or self-harm could include deliberate bodily harm such as, piercing skin or
attempting to break or injury a limb.
Physical aggression
Physical aggression is defined as behaviour causing or threatening physical harm towards others. An
individual could hit or punch an individual, which would be classed as challenging behaviour. Physical
aggression varies, however, could include hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, using weapons or other
Verbal aggression
Verbal aggression is similar to physical aggression, however, not physical. Verbal aggression is
commonly known as the use of words or gestures to cause psychological harm. An individual could
swear or undermine an individual verbally, which would be classed as challenging behaviour. Verbal
aggression could include insults, put-downs, name-calling, character attacks, threats or ridicule.
Destruction of property
Destruction of property is self-explanatory really. Destruction of property is a type of challenging
behaviour which involves the defecation or damage of property. In a schooling environment, a pupil
may damage or graffiti the walls, which would be classed as challenging behaviour. Destruction of
property could include graffiti, willful destruction, breaking doors, harm to a building, harm to a car,
a tree, a fence, or home or any other possession.
Inappropriate sexual behaviour
Inappropriate sexual behaviour or sexually aggressive behaviour is a vast term which includes a
variety of sexually inappropriate behaviours. This could involve an individual inappropriately
touching another person without their consent, which would be classed as challenging behaviour.
Inappropriate sexual behaviour could include obscene gesturing, touching or hugging another
person, exposing body parts or disrobing and other acts of inappropriate sexual tendencies.
The smearing of bodily fluids
The smearing of bodily fluids is a behaviour that involves the smearing and fluids from the body. An
individual could smear urine or blood, which would be classed as challenging behaviour. The
smearing of bodily fluids could involve the smearing of blood, urine, blood, sexual fluids, excrement,
spitting in food and much more.