Learning Aim B
Types of training
Internal/in-house/on-the-job training, e.g. induction, coaching, mentor/buddy
systems, shadowing, peer training, job rotation, projects, business documentation,
presentations, wikis
. • External/off-the-job training, e.g. secondments, e-learning/online learning,
vocational and professional courses, conferences, seminars, workshops.
• Integration of strategies, e.g. course of study with work-based learning, day
release systems.
• Training programmes, e.g. graduate, management.
Internal Training
Internal training refers to what training customers receive from their manager during
their jobs. Internal training is used by many businesses such as Amazon to train their
employees during their jobs where their managers instruct and learn skills to their
employees in order to perform their specific tasks and achieve their targets.
Employees are always seeks to be on their next position and they prepare
themselves by having internal techniques such as ;
Induction training introduces new employees to their new profession or job role,
within an organisation.For example Amazon employees, starting a new role with
Amazon can be an anxious time and an effective induction programme alleviates
anxiety. Induction enables them to understand more about the organisation, their role
and ways of working, as well as to meet new colleagues.
As training provides employees with the knowledge and techniques to develop their
skills, coaching helps instil these skills by helping employees apply them at work
appropriately. Amazon managers and instructors use coaching training for their new
employees to make them understand their specific roles and responsibilities to
enhance their skills and their abilities to perform.
mentor/buddy systems
It refers to when the colleagues and all the employees make discussions with each
other to support each other to make sure that the workplace has a smooth transition.
Amazon employees do discussion with their colleagues and gain important ideas as
well as they tell eachother their strengths and weaknesses which allows them to to
make their weaknesses stronger. Amazon managers can act as mentors for
employees as they will be the first point of contact for any concerns. Through
mentoring employees will get to see a different way of completing a task, they can
then take preferred qualities to the use in their own process which may improve
, efficiency in the completion of tasks which will benefit Amazon’s employees in both
the short and long term.
Shadowing refers to judging senior employees on how they are performing their
tasks to gain experience .Shadowing is very common at Amazon, especially among
the general staff.Following the inauguration procedure, new employees are assigned
to spy on several experienced employees. For example, a new sales colleague
might have to shadow a senior sales consultant for a few days. This is a fantastic
teaching method that demonstrates correct technique for performing a task.
Following different specialists in the field allows the new employee to follow a range
of sales tactics that can help them determine what works best for them.
peer training
peer-to- peer-to-peer learning is a training
technique that means your employees are the
trainers, and they're training their colleagues.
Amazon employees communicate with each other
and help their colleagues to train each other which
creates a positive and friendly atmosphere at the
Amazon workplace.
job rotation
Job rotation is the practice of moving employees between jobs in an organisation.
Job rotation training is very useful, especially at the management level. When a new
manager first starts working at Amazon, he may need to spend several days in each
department, learning the ins and outs of each department. This training method
fosters a full understanding of the company and helps managers see the big
picture,improving their performance. This method can also be used with frontline
employees such as sales consultants or cashiers to enhance the skills of employees
Projects are a great method to gather ideas from different people and discuss
specific topics or products. Amazon organises projects with their employees and
managers to discuss their new innovations and how they could improve their brand
better for people.This is beneficial for Amazon as it assists them to focus on specific
topics and to find out their weaknesses and strengths so that they can boost their
weaknesses for next time.
business documentation
It is another method by which Amazon trains its employees. For example, Amazon
sends an introductory book to every new employee to offer additional information
about the company as well as a specific position. This brochure should be read and