Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques
Learning Aim D: Review Personal Development of Scientific
Skills for Laboratory Work.
The ability to accomplish a given activity is referred to as a skill. Life and work
experiences aid in the development of skills. Skills are acquired via job experience, self-
reliance, and problem-solving, among other things. Working in any position entails more
than simply arriving on time, doing given responsibilities to suitable and accepted
standards, and then departing on time. All employees are required to analyse their
operations to reduce potential errors, improve abilities, and achieve personal growth and
success at work.
I conducted significant research and conducted multiple experiments to properly fulfil
unit 2 practical scientific processes and procedures. Because the skills I learned in this
course gave me greater flexibility and confidence in conducting practical work, they will
help me apply to institutions. I finished the practical’s in titration, chromatography,
colorimetry, and calorimetry while learning practical scientific procedures and
methodologies. This allowed me to use past information, such as test safety, but I still
needed to learn a few skills in order to complete the exams independently and
accurately. When I think about my performance and talents, I gained a lot of skills which
will help me in this course in the future.
Skills when I started the Skills gained after Skills to develop further
course completing unit 2
I did not know how to Learned how to calibrate Learn how to calibrate a
calibrate any equipment. a mass balance, pipette, thermal camera, dial
thermometer. thermometers,
thermistors, Infrared
, Did not know how to use Learned how to use a Learn how to use positive
a pipette. glass pipette. displacement pipette.
Did not know the use of Learned how to use an Use indicators to
an indicator. indicator determine when objects
(Phenolphthalein, methyl in furnaces have reached
orange) to determine the the required
endpoint of a titration. temperature.
Did not know how to use Learned how to use a Learn how to use a
a colorimeter. colorimeter spectrometer
Did not know how to Learned to make copper Learn how to make
make up a solution. (II)sulphate solutions. solution for further
Did not know how to use Learned how to use a Learn how to use an
a spirit burner. spirit burner. alcohol burner.
Knew how to measure Learned how to measure Learn how to measure
temperature with digital temperature with temperature with
thermometer. mercury thermometer. thermocouple.
Did not know how to how Learned how to Learn how to determine
to determine rate of determine rate of cooling the thermal conductivity
cooling from a graph. from a graph. of the substance from a
Knew how to spot and Learned how to spot and Learn how to do gas
interpretate paper interpretate a TLC slide. chromatography.
Did not know how to Learned how to calculate Learn how to calculate
calculate the the concentration of a concentration from
concentration of a solution. absorbance.
Did not know how to Learned how to measure Learn how to measure
measure the absorbance the absorbance of a the absorbance of a
of a solution. solution with a solution with a
colorimeter. spectrometer.
I enhanced my observation skills by watching the teacher showing us how to do
calibration of equipment, telling us about hazards of acids etc. Any information told to us
from the teacher or read from the lab book can easily be understood. Communication is
important in order to complete the experiment when you are working in a group so that
everyone understand what is being done and the experiment can be completed in the