HND Assignment Brief
Session: September 2022
Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computing
Unit number and title 30 Application Development
Assignment number & title 1 of 1 Application Development
Unit Leader -
Assessor (s)
Issue Date 06/10/2022
Final assignment
submission deadline
The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the College for
submissions of assignments in accordance with the BTEC level 4 - 7
Late submission deadline submission guidelines and College policy on submissions.
Resubmission deadline TBA
Formative feedback will be available in class during the semester. Final
feedback will be available within 2 - 3 weeks of the assignment submission
Feedback date.
• The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an
General illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
Guidelines • Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your
sources of information.
• Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable
• Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.
Internal verifier
Signature (IV of the
brief) *
,Unit 30: Application Development (L5)
Session: September 2022
Recommended maximum words 3,000
You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework
Document” before answering your assignment.
This coursework is designed to demonstrate the broad understanding knowledge of the
module, assessing, and evaluating the strength and level of analysis of student, divided
into four learning outcomes, the coursework should be submitted as one document in a
report format.
Assignment Scenario:
You are working in a software development team. You are tasked with developing an
application for a Food distribution company called Premium Foods. Premium Foods is a
privately-run food business in London who is expanding their distribution across United
Kingdom. They need an application to enhance their business operations. Premium
Food wants the new application to help their staff to carry out the following functions:
• Add new products, search products, update existing products and remove
• Search and view a customer’s details including personal details.
• Update customer details or remove a customer from the database.
• Display the list of registered customers from a city or search customer by postcode.
• You may add a supplier detail to the above entities to find out who is the supplier of
a product.
The user interface can be Desktop or Web based GUI (whichever the learner is fine with).
The learner must use C# as OOP programming language to develop this application.
The following details need to be stored during the customer’s registration: ID, First Name,
Last name, Phone number, Date of Birth, Address, Gender, etc.
The following details need to be stored about the Products: Product ID, Name, Price,
Description, Quantity, Expiry Date.
In relation to the above Business requirement, identify its business-related problem by
highlighting and preparing a well-defined problem definition statement. Describe the issues
that need to be addressed along with possible solutions supported by a set of user and
system requirements. Since every project is often related with many risks in achieving its
success, therefore you need to identify the areas of risk related to the successful
completion of your application. To start with the actual development, you need to analyse
the business-related problem of the case study using appropriate methods and produce a
well-structured Software Design Document that defines a proposed solution and includes
relevant details on requirements, system analysis, system design, coding, testing and
As we know that the ultimate objective of software engineering is to produce good quality
maintainable software within reasonable time frame and at an affordable cost, therefore
you need to carry out research on the use of different software development tools and
techniques/ methodologies and present with comparison on various software development
tools and techniques. Once you have reviewed, you need to justify on the one which you
have selected for the development of your application. It is important to get reviews on
your business application plan in order to achieve the desired business objectives and
therefore, you are required to create a formal presentation that effectively reviews your
business application, problem definition statement, and proposed solution and
development strategy.
As we know that the ultimate objective of software engineering is to produce good quality
maintainable software within reasonable time frame and at an affordable cost, therefore
you need to carry out research on the use of different software development tools and
techniques/ methodologies and present with comparison on various software development
tools and techniques. Once you have reviewed, you need to justify on the one which you
have selected for the development of your application.
You are now required to present this plan to your other colleagues by preparing a
PowerPoint presentation as part of a peer-review and document any feedback given by
your peers. After getting the peer review from your colleagues, you are now required to
develop a fully functional business application based on a specified business problem
given in the case study above. You need to interpret your peer-review feedback and
identify changes/ addition in your report, that you will make on you design or development,
which was not previously considered by you. Make sure that your interpretation also
covers with arguments on the potential improvements carried out by you to your system.
Once you have fully developed the required application, you are now to make critical
review on the performance and development of your application. For this, you need to
review the performance of your business application against the Problem Definition
Statement and initial requirements. There are key factors that can negatively impact the
performance of the software application; therefore, you need to analyse the factors that
influence the performance of your business application and use them to undertake a
critical review of the design, development and testing stages of your application and
conclude your review by reflectively discussing your previously identified risks. As a part of
the final holistic evaluation of your project, you need to cover on the strengths and
weaknesses of your business application and justify opportunities for improvement and
further development.
Appendices Note:
Note: You should attach all the supporting documents as a separate file in the appendix
section of your assignment. Without appropriate evidence(s) your assignment will not be
, • Presentation slide
• Written code, etc.
Relevant Information
To gain a Pass in a BTEC HND Unit, you must meet ALL the Pass criteria; to gain a Merit,
you must meet ALL the Merit and Pass criteria; and to gain a Distinction, you must meet
ALL the Distinction, Merit and Pass criteria.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Produce a Software Design Document by analysing a business-related problem and
deduce an appropriate solution including a set of initial requirements
P1 Explore a business-related problem and M1 Determine any areas of risks related to
well-defined problem definition using successful completion of your application
appropriate methods and produce a
statement of requirements. LO1 & LO2 D1 Justify
the tools and techniques
P2. Produce a software design chosen to realise a
document that defines a proposed custom-built website.
solution and includes relevant details on Justify your preferred
requirements analysis, system design, selection of tools and
techniques in deducing
coding, testing and implementation.
an appropriate solution to
LO2 Use design and development methodologies with tools and techniques associated a business-related
with the creation of a business application problem.
M2 Compare the differences between the
P3 Research the use of software various software development tools and
development methodologies and techniques techniques researched and justify your
and identify any that have been selected for preferred selection.
the development of this application
LO3 Work individually and as part of a team to plan and produce a functional business
D2 Evaluate any new
application with support documentation insights, ideas or