Psychodynamic Approach
Human are born like a Human and animal learn
Human learn through conditioning
blank slate (Tabula Rasa) in similar way
Assumptions Bowlby 1944
Influence of our childhood experience Aim
-Freud believes that experience during childhood To determine whether there is a correlation between maternal deprivation in infancy
shape our adult personality
and adolescent delinquency
-Psychosexual stages: overindulgence on the stage of
anal may lead to them become messy, unorganised Method
when they grow up Case studies, not experiment, opportunity sampling
The unconsicous mind
-conscious:logical 44 children(5-17years old) and their mothers
-pre-conscious:readily recalls it when asked
thieves and non-thieves(control group)
-unconscious: cannot be directly accessed
-Example: trauma experience built in childhood may -mental test access intelligence
lead to a unconscious thought of sadness and reflect -social worker interview mother
with other behaviors
-for two hours
The tripartite personality
-ego:conscious, reality principle
-superego: embodies the sense of right or wrong,
molarity principle
-id: gain pleasure and gratification, pleasure principle
After the continuous association of the white rat and loud noise, Little Albert was
Dream Analysis classically conditioned to experience fear at the sight of the rat.
Albert's fear generalized to other stimuli that were similar to the rat, including a
Dreams are with wishfulfilment
fur coat, some cotton wool, and a Father Christmas mask.
-dream is where id can runs free
The symbolism of dreams
-manifest content: look for symbol, story line
-latent content:hidden meaning Conclusion
the damage to this relationship(mother would affect the development of the
Dreamwork superego, leading to a reduced sense of right and wrong.
1.condensation:turns details into briefly images A child has an innate (i.e., inborn) need to attach to one main attachment figure
2.displacement:real object attached to different (i.e., monotropy).
one A child should receive the continuous care of this single most important
3.representation:thoughts translated to visual attachment figure for approximately the first two years of life.
4.symbolism:symbol replace action/people
5.secondary elaboration:form storyline
Contemporary debate Evaluation of psychodynamic approach
The mother as Strength Weaknesses
primary care-giver of an infant Nature and nurture Reductionist and
feeding usefulness oversimpilified
Freud;s view on the importance of mother
Reflects the complexity of Determinist approach
deprivation damage
human behaviour Cannot be proven wrong
mothers not fathers