Topic TGG Context TGG Quotes TGG Quote Analysis WW Context WW Quotes WW Quote Analysis
Intro – Daisy floating, Tom ‘buoyed up’ Juxtaposed, daisy is passive, and Wild Oats - Two girls ‘specs’ Derogatory from both ends – basing
Presented in booming ‘boom’ tom is grounded through the eyes of ‘bosomy rose’ his opinions on looks
relation ‘flutter of the one man
to/perspective dress and
of men crunch of
leather boots’
P1 – Presented Daisy is too passive ‘his absence She feels she must Sunny Prestatyn – ‘thighs’ Colloquial terms for anatomy
as objects, to stand up to tom quickened ‘extemporise’ compensate her Focusses solely on ‘breast-lifting arms’ Is helpless, doesn’t have emotions or
they are about myrtle, he something charm/extravagance for tom’s her appearance, as ‘huge tits’ actions – cannot do anything
passive can do what he within her’ immorality, adds to being ‘used’ an object to be ‘fissured crotch’ Therefore, can be vandalised and
wants to, tom ‘extemporise’ Their arguing used/vandalised ‘lips of her smile’ objectified
doesn’t love daisy – ‘mounted Jordan Baker trying to listen
he knows he can excitedly’ No one takes their situation
use her ‘leaned forward, seriously – they think of it as
unashamed’ ‘gossip’ and ‘news’
P2 – Women Myrtle as Tom’s ‘I want to see Imperatives, Tom is very much Wild Oats – From the ‘It was the friend I The ‘less attractive’ one referred to
are exploited mistress is you’ in charge although Myrtle has a perspective of the took out’ as ‘the friend’ – loses identity, not a
exploited for Tom’s ‘Get on the next strong ‘vivacious’ personality man, her ‘good ‘In my wallet are still person in her own right
pleasure – she train’ Tom knows it doesn’t benefit looks’ are all he likes two snaps of’ ‘Snaps’ suggest quick paced, fast
wants to get out of ‘It does her Myrtle just to be ‘teased’ with her for (exploited for ulterior-motives, taking pictures of
the working-class good to get an upper-class lifestyle, but it her appearance), her is something that he shouldn’t
life and knows Tom away’ benefits him, and he doesn’t whereas her be doing
can do that (he have any ‘strings attached’ ‘approachable’ Both women are being exploited
treats her), but his friend is exploited
intention is never for her personality,
that he doesn’t actually
like her
P3 – Women Myrtle and Daisy – ‘buoyed up’ Daisy used for family (they have Wild Oats – the ‘English rose’ The ‘pretty’ one is not approachable,
are contrasted their demeanour ‘anchored a daughter); Tom knows she will women’s ‘In specs’ he is almost scared of her, whereas
against each and outlook, also balloon’ be loyal as she fears him personalities and ‘She was trying both he knows the ‘other one’ is an easy
other what they are both ‘thickish figure’ Myrtle used for his pleasure and appearances are times (so I thought) shot
used for ‘blocking out he knows he can drop her off at contrasted, not to laugh’
the sunlight’ the end of the day according to men ‘I could talk to’
Even their appearance is