Joyce Grace Kapela
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs
Assignment Task 2
Date: 27/02/2023
This booklet will explore the impact multidisciplinary teams and agencies working
together have on individuals when trying to meet their care and support needs, as
well as the roles and responsibilities of key professionals, and how they manage
information and maintain confidentiality by following different codes of practice and
Multi-agency Team Multidisciplinary team
A team of different professionals from Whereas, a multidisciplinary team is a
both health and social care services, team of professionals who work in the
such as the NHS and voluntary same sector but have different roles to
services, who work together to provide provide specific services to an individual
care to individuals who may have e.g a social worker and youth worker,
multiple different needs. which are both from social services.
When providing a service to individuals with specific needs, different professionals,
organisations or agencies will have to work together in order for the best service and
care to be provided so that all of the needs can be met. For instance, Valerie has
mental health issues and is obese, so a dietitian and a counselling psychologist
could work together to discuss how they can meet both of these needs and support
her in achieving her goals. For Billy, he is homeless and is visually impaired, so a
youth worker and an eye specialist can work together to discuss how he can deal
with his low vision and get the support he needs to find a suitable place to live in.
Commissioning is deciding what services are needed and making sure that they are
provided(Billingham et al, 2015). In health and social care, there are different
organisations that are responsible for commissioning services:
● Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) - health care services
● Local Authorities - social care services
● Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) - integrates health and social care
, The CCG’s governing bodies are made up of GPs, nurses, secondary care
representatives, including two other health professionals who are not a part of the
NHS. This was formed by NHS England in April 2013, following the Health and
Social Care Act 2012, so that a decision can be made on the type of health care
services that can be provided to a local population of people who have different
The CCG can benefit Valerie as they As Billy has asthma, the CCG can
could help provide funding for her to benefit Billy by providing funding for
access mental health services where emergency care, so that if he was to
she can have one to one counselling have an unexpected asthma attack, he
sessions and learn to regulate her will be able to access high responsive
emotions, which will help her to improve services close to him outside of
her life and eliminate the risk of any hospital, which will mean he won’t have
other factors like suicide, legal issues, to wait in a long queue. This would be
unemployment and substance abuse. good as disruption and inconveniences
This would be good as it could help her can be minimised, meaning that he is
view herself in a more positive light, and more likely to have a good chance of
can also help with challenging any recovery if he was to have a severe
self-discrimination. asthma attack.
The Local Authorities would be beneficial for Valerie and Billy, as they would be able
to support them through the use of organisations that are responsible for
commissioning social care services. The interests of the local community they
promote are social needs which can include:
● Housing ● Economic
● Recreational ● Environmental
● Cultural ● Community
As Valerie is unemployed and relies on As Billy is homeless with asthma and
Universal benefit, The Local Authority stomach pains from eating food from
could support Valerie by providing her rubbish, The Local Authority could
different support like applying to job support him by getting in contact with
roles in her local council, getting into an the local council and local non-profit
apprenticeship or completing an adult organisations who can support him with
learning service. This would benefit her finding housing, including financial and