Theme Quote Technique Analysis
Ambition Macbeth: “I have Metaphor Shakespeare uses horse metaphors to
no spur to prick describe how Macbeth is so driven by
the sides of my his ambition to be King that his actions
intent, only are moving at a faster pace than his
vaulting ambition rational thoughts, like an horse rider
which o’erleaps that overleaps his vault.
Macbeth: “Stars Rhyme/ Macbeth recognises that his thoughts
hide your fires, riddle are dark and his desires are morbid. As a
let light not see presumably ‘holy’ man, he wishes for
my black and these desires to be hidden.
deep desires”
Lady Macbeth: Repetition Repetition of the word ‘without’ is Lady
“Art not without Macbeth’s way of expressing concern
ambition, but that Macbeth cannot follow through
without the with the murders he must commit to
illness should realise his ambition.
attend it”
Macbeth: “If Personifica Chance has been assigned human
chance will have tion characteristics here, because it is the
me king, why leading factor for Macbeth in making
chance may him King. He initially does not see a
crown me good reason to murder anyone, when
without my stir” fate wants him to be King anyway.
Guilt Macbeth: “Thou Imperative This is a cowardly attempt by Macbeth
canst not say I did sentence to evade responsibility, by blaming the
it. Never shake men who he ordered to kill Banquo and
thy gory locks at not himself. He is disassociating with his
me” own actions.
Macbeth: Motif of Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he
“Methought I murder thought he heard voices telling him not
heard a voice cry to sleep. Sleep is natural, it regulates us
Sleep no more; as humans and nourishes us. However,
Macbeth does nature is rebelling against Macbeth for
murder sleep” his murderous actions, denying him of
his needs.
Macbeth: “Will Hyperbole Macbeth perhaps dramatically notes
all great that an ocean could not wash the blood
Neptune’s ocean away from his hands. At this point,
wash this blood Shakespeare shows the audience that
clean from my guilt has fully developed in Macbeth’s
hand?” psyche.
Lady Macbeth: Juxtapositio It seems nonsensical to suggest that
“What’s done n what is done cannot be undone, but
cannot be that’s the point. Shakespeare is
, undone. To bed, communicating how as Lady Macbeth
to bed, to bed.” utters her last words, she has reached
the peak of her madness and has
crippled under the weight of her guilt.
Lady Macbeth: Exclamative Lady Macbeth imagines blood on her
“‘Out, damned sentence, hands that is not there. The exclamative
spot! Out, I say!” repetition sentence for it to be removed is an
exhibition of how Lady Macbeth is losing
her grip on the power she conspired to
murder for. The repetition shows her
vulnerability and how she is now
rendered powerless.
The The witches: Paradox One could interpret this quote as
Supernatur “Fair is foul and meaning that what appears fair/good is
al foul is fair” actually bad/evil, and what is bad/evil
can deceptively appear good. This
underlies the entire theme of the play:
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hide their
wickedness under their nobility.
Lady Macbeth: Imperative Lady Macbeth is not just being led by
“Come, you sentence evil/supernatural spirits, but is calling
spirits that tend upon them. This is unbecoming of a
on mortal woman, who would be expected to be
thoughts” timid and not actively seek more power.
Macbeth: “Is this Motif of Macbeth’s guilt after he murders
a dagger which I murder Duncan was so strong that he begins to
see before me […] see hallucinations of daggers. This is the
Thou marshall’st most poignant example of how
me the way that I Macbeth’s conscious had been hounded
was going” with because of the murder he
Macbeth: “These Critical Only after fate does not favour
juggling fiends no adverb Macbeth, does he see the witches for
more believed” (juggling) who they truly are. When he learns that
Macduff is not born of woman, he
concludes finally that the witches are
not to be trusted. However, the witches
did not lie to Macbeth; Macbeth was
simply too sure of himself.
Power Lady Macbeth: Short The fact that Macbeth initially lacks the
“When you durst declarative boldness to kill Duncan is Lady
do it, then you sentence Macbeth’s opportunity to place
were a man” conditions on Macbeth’s manhood, so
he feels compelled to prove himself.
The Witches: “All Foreboding It is true that Macbeth is made King.
hail, Macbeth, However, this is a foreboding moment,
thou shalt be king crafted by Shakespeare, which precedes