Essay question Compare the ways in which the writers of your two chosen texts present the relationship between men and women. You must relate your
discussion to relevant contextual factors. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors. [40 marks]
Texts: Frankenstein (1818, revised 1831) The Handmaid’s Tale (1985)
Relevant ideas / Destruction of the creature and Elizabeth, using women as tools to hurt/assert dominance over other men.
events to explore in No female focalisers throughout Frankenstein
the set texts Men have usurped the role of women as creators, denial/fear of women and female sexuality.
Rape metaphor in Frankenstein, whereas overly described in Handmaid’s tale - less discussed in Romantic era?
Natural femininity (personified as female, linked to flowers) vs destructive masculinity (need to control women, penetrate nature)
Only view women through men in Frankenstein, only view men through women in Handmaid’s tale. We can see their oppression both ways.
Men, as victims of the patriarchy, need to explore, be ambitious.
Overarching thesis Overall, both Shelley and Atwood critique the disparity between men and women, suggesting that the patriarchy drives men to ambition, at the cost
of female life, liberty and sexuality. Perhaps due to the time period, Atwood suggests that women can utilise their sexuality to counteract the control
of men, whereas Shelley portrays women as continually passive at the hands of men.
First comparative Comparative topic sentence: Both Shelley and Atwood explore how the male pursuit of ambition is destructive to both women and men.
Frankenstein evidence / AO3 links The Handmaid’s Tale evidence / AO3 links
“Do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose?”, through this “What did we overlook?... Falling in love”, male ambition to optimise
rhetorical question, we can see how Walton views his worth as a man as society so the birth rate goes up has ruined what love is for everyone,
purely contingent on the achievement of a ‘great purpose’. He has risked Atwood subtly questions what life is without love and at what cost
his life, possibly leading to her never getting closure for his death (“You will should humanity be preserved.
see me soon, or never”) in the pursuit of “glory”. “Men were turning off sex even. They were turning off marriage”,
“Cold”, “mountains of ice”, “Vast irregular plains of ice”, the cold setting men’s sexual pleasure was held to be more important than womens’
symbolises how ambition is a cold and lonely path, away from family. right to life and liberty.
“Learn from my miseries and don’t seek to increase your own”, didactic, “It’s not warm in this room”, metaphorically, symbolises the cold,
Shelley’s warning to the reader that the pursuit of ambition comes at a scientific nature of the ceremony. Highlights the discomfort of
cost. everyone partaking and suggests that even the commander does not
“I was oppressed by a slow fever”, ill imagery shows Victor’s madness. enjoy it, he is “impatient” for it to end.
“God knows… how entirely I am innocent”, religious language highlights “She won’t talk much to me anymore”, the commander’s ambition has
Justine’s innocence and how she is a victim to male ambition. resulted in a loss of connection. Sad, wistful tone.