Society under Tudors
Henry VII Henry VIII Edward VI Mary I Elizabeth I
When H7 took to the throne, society The poor Evidence of somewhat ‘crisis’ - Problem’s Mary inherits (these are The impact of economic & social developments, 1558-63
was very fragmented due to the war of In the first half of H8’s reign, Somerset not unique problems that only she faced and In 1558, E came to the throne at a difficult time for the English economy. The combination
also these are problems she DID NOT cause;
roses which had caused chaos for 3 there was little change in the Western Rebellion 1549 mostly derived from H8)
decades prior to his succession. living standards of CAUSE: Also known as the Prayer o Inflation – rising prices Bad harvests, high mortality rates, high taxation & for many, a significant cut in
Structure of society commoners. But the rise of Book Rebellion, was a popular & real wages declined real wages meant that there was a considerable fear about social instability.
In some ways, society was still inflation caused real wages uprising in the west of England o Enclosures meant poor MPs were particularly concerned about the number of masterless (unapprenticed) men in
structured in a feudal arrangement, to fall which contributed to against the religious changes lost access to land towns, & reports of increasing vagabondage & escalating crime
with the monarch at the top, the great the ill feeling felt by many implemented by Ed’s gov – o Dissolution of
Date Problem E’s action Results
1561 Inflation Plan put forward to replace Had only limited effect in
noble landowners and senior towards the Amicable Grant. particularly the introduction of the monasteries; loss of the debased coins (which the short term, because
churchmen, closely followed by gentry, The social structure new Protestant prayer book in chantry, education contained only 25% of the households tended to
then peasants remained unchanged as 1549, which replaced traditional o Population was
silver content of their face hoard the good coinage &
value) with soundly minted pay their debts with the
Commoners – by far the largest social many had few possessions & Latin liturgy with an English version.
increasing – rise in ones old debased coinage
class, with around 2 million little chance of secure The rebellion took place in the
unemployment &
Gentry – often great landowners in employment. Government broader social and economic
pressure on food
their own right, some sought were always alarmed about tensions, including high taxes,
Poor relief
knighthoods to confirm their social these people in society enclosures and declining living
Marian gov did itself become more
status because although full scale standards.
active in areas relating to poor
Nobility & gentry combined made up rebellion was rare, outbreaks EVENTS: took place over 3 months
relief. At one level this was
around 1% of the total population at of disorder were more in the south west – primarily 1563 Vagabonds in towns, Statute of Artificers: sought Proved very difficult to
response to the extent of the increasing crime & to fix prices, impose enforce, even for JPs
the time common. Cornwall – and rebels bought the
problems the country faced from workers demanding maximum wages, restrict within their own
Had representation in Parl but since Social impacts of religious SW to a standstill. They besieged higher pay workers freedom communities
1556 to 1558, which were dreadful
Parl was barely called (7 times), it upheaval Exeter but were defeated by Lord Established a compulsory 7
years. Particular emphasis was year apprenticeship
limited their political authority At the start of H8’s reign, Russell’s troops in August, and the
placed on the enforcement of laws
Churchmen – H7 ensured that he had there was little sign of the revolt was supressed
against grain hoarders & there was
men of administrative ability as future fundamental change CONSEQUENCE: Somerset’s
strong encouragement to convert
archbishops and bishops, and preferred to the English Church. response was slow
pasture land to tillage. However it
men with legal training Overall, the Church fulfilled Kett’s rebellion 1549 1563 Increasing poverty Poor Law Act Had limited impact
is difficult to assess the extent of Extended the previous act of
They sat in the house of lords & often the requirements of most of The demands of this are evidence
this success as there were many 1555
undertook political roles the English people – acted as of unsolved local issues growing
external factors out of her control Laid down fines for those
The church was a powerful organisation a school, hospital, welfare etc into significant uprisings who refused to contribute to
which had a part to play
in society When in the 1530s H8 broke CAUSE: widespread economic and poor relief when requested
Wyatt’s rebellion 1554 to do so
Nobility – had been particularly from Rome, there was a social problems resulting from
The demands of this are evidence
powerful during the WoR where they small minority who another bad harvest, inflation, etc.
of unsolved local issues growing
sought to increase their power as a welcomed this religious Religious factors also had a part to
into significant uprisings
result of the instability change but there was little play; they wanted to choose their Poverty & poor relief
Some key figures involved =
H7 needed them to enforce law and popular support. own clergy Before the reformation, poor relief was provided for by the Church – with the new CoE,
- Sir Thomas Wyatt
order across the country Monasteries had been an EVENTS: It was a largely peaceful meant E had to personally deal with this in her gov.
- Duke of Suffolk (LJG’s
H7 controlled the nobility through important part of the pre- campaign to try to end enclosures. The increase in the numbers of poor impelled further measures to relieve poverty, since
bonds & recognisances. He also sought Reformation Church which Kett captured Norwich. destitution and vagrancy were seen as potential sources of crime & disorder
CAUSE: main reason the rebels
in a law of 1487 to limit their powers had appealed to people. In Somerset was forced to send an 1572: Act required local ratepayers to pay a rate for the relief of their own poor
chose to protest was due to the
The nobility dominated landownership. 1536, Cromwell began the army under the leadership of John 1576: Act required towns to make provision for employment for the deserving poor
fact they were unhappy with the
They comprised around 50 dissolution of the Dudley. The rebellion was brutally 1597/8: Act provided a code for poor relief establishing overseers of the poor
marriage of Mary & Philip. This
Social discontent –Stafford & Lovell monasteries & attacked supressed & Kett was hanged. 1601: Elizabethan Poor Law – created a national system for poor relief based on the parish
was an idea that was widespread
Rebellion 1486 many Catholic practices. This CONSEQUENCE: these 2 rebellions (poor relief would be conducted on a local basis until 1929)
across much of the country – some