Jodel Ofori-Boafo 23270
05/04/2021 – Completion Date
Unit 6: Investigative Project ~ Aim B
Aim Distinction 2: Analyse the effectiveness of the working plan, justifying changes made.
Aim Merit 2: Produce a realistic working plan for the project, including health and safety and risk
assessments and contingency planning.
Aim Pass 2: Produce a realistic working plan for the project, including health and safety and risk
Assignment Title – How LED lights affect the rate of plant growth.
Analysing the effectiveness of my plan:
Using my previous research into the effect of plant growth with LED lights, my method combines both of
the methods that I had researched. Sunlight is commonly known to encourage plant growth, yet plants
that were grown with white, red, and blue LED lights have been shown to have improved growth, feeding,
production, presentation, and nutritious condition. Plants that were grown with green light did not have all
the benefits that came with the other lights, proving that green LED lights are the least effective for plant
growth. Using all the research that I had previously conducted, I planned my aim, hypothesis, method, and
equipment for the investigation. My hypothesis was that the white light would produce the best results
whilst blue would be the worst. This is due to my previous research on different case studies; Plants grown
in white and red light can grow in size much further because they emit more energy and have shorter
wavelengths. Plants grown in green and blue light, on the other hand, will not grow as quickly because
they emit less energy. Green light will be the most un-compelling because of the shade chlorophyll as it
rejects green tone. The theory, which is related to the article “The Effect of Different Colour Light affect
The Growth of Plants.” (He, 2017), would demonstrate that different colours of light influence plant
development. With having my hypothesis, I then planned my timeline that I shall follow closely to receive
the best results out of my experiment and created my own method for this investigation. Also making sure
to take in the risk assessments and the contingency plans.
Dates Milestones
21/04/2021 Ask Technician for 3 different coloured LED lights for my project. Those 3 lights being
RED, BLUE & WHITE. Also ask for 3 lettuce plants and plant pots so I can continue with
my project.
23/04/2021 Set up 3 separate cubicles with 3 different LED lights, RED, BLUE & WHITE. Make sure
the LED lights are at the same intensity and power. If technician is able to supply me
with plants as well then, I plant my lettuce and start the experiment.
28/04/2021 If plants have only arrived today, I should plant it today and start my experiment. From
this day forward I should:
- Water the plants daily.
- Record the growth every Tuesday & Friday for more results.
- Record the amount of lettuce that grow with each plant under each light.
- Record the texture of the Lettuce & the thickness of the growth.
5/05/2021 – The plants should have little shoots or there should be some sort of growth by now. If
7/05/2021 not experiment again but note down what happened to cause this issue.
14/05/2021 Small leaves should have started appearing.
21/05/2021 A couple of lettuce should have started appearing.
28/05/2021 More lettuce than the previous week has grown.
04/06/2021 End of experiment. Analyse the growth and how well the plant has grown.
- Check if the plant is healthy.
- Standing correctly.
, Jodel Ofori-Boafo 23270
05/04/2021 – Completion Date
Unit 6: Investigative Project ~ Aim B
- Thickness, stretchiness, colour, and development.
11/06/2021 Extension completion date if something had gone wrong during the experiment.
Analyse the growth and how well the plant has grown.
- Check if the plant is healthy.
- Standing correctly.
- Thickness, stretchiness, colour, and development.
For this project I will need as apart of my participants a technician to retrieve all the needed equipment
and materials I need for my experiment which would be:
- Lettuce Seeds
- RED LED light
- BLUE LED light
- WHITE LED light
- Seed tray (labelled with the different types of LED lights, to tell the difference)
- Soil
- Cubicles
- Water
- Ruler
- Lab Coat
- Gloves
- Goggles
1. Choose the type of lettuce you will be using for your experiment. I will be using Loose Leaf Lettuce.
2. Prepare the trays that you will be placing your seeds in. The seed trays should be filled with soil.
3. Bury the seeds midway through the soil, & after burying the seed, water it.
4. Place the plant pots under the specified LED lights. Do not remove the plants from under the LED
lights for the remainder of the experiment.
5. Give the plant plenty of water, and make sure it does not dry out or the seeds will not be able to
grow. Also make sure not to overwater it or it will also die.
6. Continue watering the plants everyday for 4-6 weeks so the plant can grow.
7. Record the rate of growth throughout the experiment.
Risk Assessment:
Hazard Why is this a hazard Likelihood Severity Risk Reduction of Risk
Access & Improper design of the 1 1 Very The risk can be reduced
Layout laboratory can increase Low by making sure that there
the probability of is a sufficient amount of
incidents. These space to be able to
incidents can include conduct the experiment
bumping into each other effectively without coming
due to inadequate into contact with another
workspaces and aisles peer.