TMA3 E102
Zehra Kuvvet
PI: I6946710
Part 1:
E102 TMA 03 and 04 essay plan (pro forma)
Main points: Evidence/Examples References
Introduction: Impact of -death rate of children caused by poverty Montgomery, 2020,
distribution of
wealth to
education and
Paragraph: Despite the -Locke and Rousseau’s view of education -Cooper, 2020, p.161
Child labor
importance and -The publication of children’s right to -Education Act, 1918,
children’s right education (Education Act) Cooper, 2020
to education -UNCRC: free and compulsory right to -UNCRC, 1989, cited
parents endorse education in Cooper, 2020
the idea of -UNESCO: amount of schooled children -UNESCO, 2008, cited
children -poverty, gender and geographic problems in Cooper, 2020, p.167
supporting the as the reason for the absence from school -Orkin et al., 2012,
family. -Goody: families express, that children aid cited in Cooper, 2020,
their parents p.167
-amount of children living in poverty and -Goody, 1982, p.13, in
not attending school Montgomery, 2020, p.
-child in Kathmandu working for his 233
family -Montgomery, 2013, in
Montgomery, p.237