Asma Inayat
Assignment 4
Learning aim D: Examine strategies which promote mental
wellbeing and mental Health.
Learning Aim D
Jane is 21 years old and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia which is a psychotic
disorder. Jane had a normal childhood, but gradually became withdrawn as she reached
later adolescence. Jane obtained a place on a degree in medicine at the university of her
choice but was withdrawn from the course following being referred to student health by the
Dean of the School of Medicine, when she became convinced that the people in a DVD
clip shown in class, were addressing her directly.
Jane had made friends with other students on the course but gradually stopped
communicating with them, spending all of her free time in her room, where she could be
heard shouting and telling someone to stop speaking to her. Students who looked through
her bedroom window, could see no one else in the room.
Jane’s parents were contacted by the university, who took her home and arranged a visit
with their G.P. Jane’s appearance had altered, she no longer took pride in her appearance
and her clothes were dirty, appearing not to have been changed for several days.
The G.P. contacted the local mental health team and Jane was admitted to the ward. Jane
agreed to the admission but was told that had she not, she would have been admitted under
the current mental health legislation, as she was considered to be at risk of harming herself
following an incident with a razor when Jane was shaving her legs but stabbing at her
ankles during the process.
Jane has refused medication stating that she is not ill, and her treatment is currently under
Legislation, policies, and codes of practice
Assessing the needs of an individual is conducted once the disease/condition/disorder is
diagnosed, and then the professionals such as occupational therapist, psychiatrist, and
psychologist. These professionals are usually trained to work with individuals who experiences
mental illness. They would be given care holistically. Which would include their legal rights,
financial issues, right to dignity and respect/security, advocacy, medications provision for
individuals with chronic illnesses, they would require to keep examining after required time,
this this it would gather the information regarding their recovery and limitations. The role of
the professionals is to meet their needs, by first accessing for example, an individual with
heart disease, would require a physiotherapist/occupational therapist as well as cardiologist
who will be the lead professional, as through their consent the therapist should give them
exercises, as the therapist would plan the treatment after a meeting with the cardiologist and
the GP. From the agreement of these professionals, the therapist would be able to conduct
their plan. as they would know their medical structure and the needs would depend on it.
Such as an individual on wheelchair would require a certain exercise.