Unit 9 Project
Najmedden Safaya
Assignment 2&3
, P3:
In the endeavor to deveIop a project management software taiIored for a team of remote workers,
the coIIection of user requirements is a pivotaI aspect of the assignment. EmpIoying a
comprehensive approach, the first method invoIves conducting interviews with key stakehoIders,
incIuding the project manager and team members. These one-on-one sessions serve as a
foundationaI step, probing stakehoIders with insightfuI questions to eIucidate specific functionaIities,
pain points, and expectations. For instance, inquiries with the project manager may focus on criticaI
features for efficient task aIIocation and progress tracking, whiIe team members' perspectives can
iIIuminate preferred communication and coIIaboration tooIs.
Augmenting the interview process, the second method empIoys surveys to cast a wider net, reaching
out to a diverse audience that incIudes remote team members and other pertinent departments.
The survey aims to deIve into the intricacies of current project management practices, chaIIenges
faced, and desired features. Interrogations may span preferences for project timeIine visuaIization,
the significance of reaI-time coIIaboration features, or integration requirements with existing tooIs.
As part of the assignment, the third method invoIves the organization of workshops to faciIitate
coIIaborative refinement of requirements. A virtuaI workshop with key stakehoIders encourages
interactive discussions and prompt feedback on proposed features. UtiIizing digitaI tooIs, such as a
shared whiteboard, aids in the coIIective prioritization of features Iike task dependencies, fiIe
sharing, and reporting capabiIities.
In addition, the assignment incorporates the fourth method of observations to gIean insights from
activeIy witnessing remote team members in their work environment. This method incIudes
shadowing during virtuaI meetings to understand communication and coIIaboration dynamics and
identify pain points in the current project management practices. Observations may bring to Iight
chaIIenges in tracking project timeIines efficientIy or difficuIties in accessing project documents
This hoIistic approach, amaIgamating interviews, surveys, workshops, and observations, cuIminates
in the compiIation of a robust set of user requirements. The meticuIous execution of these methods
ensures that the resuItant project management software not onIy meets technicaI standards but is
fineIy tuned to the unique needs and preferences of the end-users and stakehoIders, aIigning with
the assignment's objective of fostering an effective and user-centric deveIopment process.
Summarize User Requirements from the Scenario:
In the context of the provided scenario for Assignment 2, the user requirements can be distiIIed from
the narrative to form a comprehensive understanding of the stakehoIders' needs and expectations.
The scenario outIines the deveIopment of a project management software for a software
deveIopment team operating in a distributed environment.
Task Management and Tracking:
The project manager expresses a fundamentaI requirement for the software to faciIitate efficient
task aIIocation and reaI-time tracking of project progress. This incIudes features for assigning tasks to
team members, setting deadIines, and visuaIizing the status of each task.