GDR topic 3 - Made up half of all teachers and doctors by mid- Set up in 1950 to defend and protect. In beginn
Housing-Aims 80’s, maj of higher positions held by men 1000 full-time staf, in 3 years around 4000. Af
Improve homes and housing- damage to housing in - Underrepresented in politics, only female was 1953 uprising Wilhelm Zaisser replaced by Miel
urban areas in WW2, 30% of homes had a toilet Margot Honecker who remained in charge till the collapse of the
and only 22% had a bath in the ‘50’s. Healthcare-Aims GDR. 90,000 staf by late 80’s, 175,000 IM’s. Aim
Achievements: To improve health and productivity. Increase create fear. Could open mail, access banks, view
- 70’s progress limited to 20% homes having central preventative medicine. medical records, bug homes and use psycholog
heating and 50% a bath. Achievements: torture. Ascertained public opinion.
- Socialist new towns near centres of industry. - Based on preventative medicine and early Reasons to collaborate with the Stasi
Housing estates had health centres, childcare, diagnosis Some collaborated to support communist regim
community centres and sports facilities - In the 60’s and 70’s GDR could bring about real Some could gain uni places, apartments, holida
- Halle-Neustadt founded in ‘67 was built for improvements in health of pop. life-expectancy cars, etc. some people blackmailed e.g gay,
workers at the new chemical plant increased similar to the West cheating, drugs.
- Plattenbau housing the norm - Polyclinics- variety of services provided How successful were the stasi?
- ’71-75, 400,000 houses built, still a shortage - Provision good. In 70’s, 160 doctors per 100,000, 600,000 stasi agents. Own uni degrees and med
Failures: 242 in 1989. No. of hospital beds similar to FRG Between ’49-89 200,000-250,000 imprisoned.
- Members of the party elite lived in the best Failures: Control of young people
housing, workers lived in run-down housing - Basic medical equipment in short supply. 70’s FDJ for 14-25 yo, young pioneers (JP) 6-14 yo’s.
- People dependent on the state for housing, no shortage of rubber gloves and syringes Failure to attend meant no uni places and bad
control over quality and state or repair of their - Care of economically unproductive was less career. Membership dropped 1/3 of 18-25 yo’s
houses, this was a frustration impressive mainly for elderly and disabled to uni. FDJ did camps, youth clubs and discos. ’8
- Focus was on quantity not quality. Housing - Best hospitals reserved for top party ofcials and over 1 million pupils attended holiday camp. By
prefabricated and substandard specialised workers early 80’s kids like listening to music w friends.
Women-Aims - Promotion of good health limited by social Propaganda and censorship
Reverse GDR’s demographic of ageing and attitudes as many heavy drinkers and eaters 1950, all culture based on Marxist-Leninist
declining population. Work towards creating Education-Aims ideology. Emphasis on Soviet media. Promotion
gender equality in workplace and at home. Develop technical skills and support development German literature, arts & flms. West’s problem
Achievements: of the economy. Reinforce political loyalty to party highlighted e.g. homeless, dugs & unemployme
- Family code of ‘66 men and women share equally and socialism. Transform society- promote equality GDR controlled all media. No negativity about G
in childcare and domestic work, women’s equality Achievements: communism. Western TV like Dallas was popula
in marriage and family - ‘50’s saw a move towards comprehensive Journalists trained and selected.
- 8th SED congress of ’71, new social policies aimed education pupils of all abilities had same general Extent of popular support for GDR
improving working and living conditions of women curriculum Large amounts of citiiens supported GDR. Some
- Abortion legal in ‘72 and contraception became - Private and church schools abolished historians emphasise idea of a niche society-
free -Final two years of secondary education pupils privately retreated and didn’t agree w SED, but
- Welfare reforms to try and counteract falling birth ofered academic or vocational route outwardly loyal. By 70’s a generation of citiiens
rates- maternity leave extended 1826 weeks- -Links with industry were developed only knew SED rule and so were tolerant. It was
paid leave Failures: uncommon for relatives to inform on one anoth