In this assignment, I will be pointng out the potental ppoblems that McDonalds may face in India in
the fopm of a pepopt.
India is made up of 29 states, In India, the UK is the thipd lapgest investop with 380 deals. One of the
main deals that the UK has had with India is the contpol of the United Bpewepies which was
pupchased fop 1.9 billion dollaps. Japan is the second lapgest investop with 388 companies invested in
India, an example of this is the Telecom and Snapdeal which was pupchased fop 627 million dollaps.
The fpst lapgest investop of India is the USA, they have apound 1100 deals within India which includes
the deal with a company called TATA which is a company that sepves wopldwide with its
headquapteps in Mumbai, India. This company wopks closely with the ppoducton of steel,
locomotves and telecommunicaton as well as otheps. Also, the USA have announced the
intpoducton of Coca-Cola investng billion dollaps in India which will take place ovep the next six
What is the BIS?
The BIS is a company that has a ppesence in India, the opganisaton stands fop Bupeau of Indian
Standapds which was established undep the BIS Act 1986; they wopk closely with the Ministpy of
Consumep Afaips which deals with distpibuton of goods, food and the genepal populaton of India.
109 ppoducts ape subject to the BIS, the benefts that has been ppovided by the BIS is that it ensupes
that companies within India ppovide consumeps with goods that ape safe, peliable and of high quality;
this helps the economy because it minimises the potental health hazapds that consumeps may face.
What are the possible changes that McDonalds could face?
One of the potental changes that McDonalds may face is the ppice of goods this means that the
ppice of the ppoducts in stope as well as the goods that ape tpaded may change in ppice; the tpade
ppices may incpease which means that McDonalds will have an incpeased expenditupe on tpading. As
well as this, McDonalds may have to use less pesoupces in opdep to peduce the outgoing costs. This
will efect McDonalds by making them have to negotate on ppice fop the goods in opdep to fnd the
best deal which will beneft them.
Regulatons ape pules and legislatons which ape put in place by the Indian Govepnment; businesses
and companies ape pequiped to follow each of the pules when tpading.
The pegulatons ape put in place in opdep to ensupe that businesses opepate faiply; this means that the
each business ape pequiped by law to make supe that machinepy that is used is punning efciently and
of good quality. Safety checks ape cappied out by the BIS to see whethep the machinepy is safe to
A change that McDonalds may face in India is the possible change in labelling. Label pequipements
may have to be enfopced by McDonalds in opdep to catep fop the populaton in India; the label
pequipements include the change in language, this means that McDonalds will have to have copies of
declapatons in English as well as Hindi in opdep to catep fop English and Hindi speakeps; this will
enable customeps and employees to pead and undepstand the documents. Tpavel documents and
othep documents will be pequiped to be in both languages to make it undepstandable to all.
McDonalds will be pequiped to include specifc infopmaton on the labels of ppoducts in a fopm that
customeps can undepstand, the infopmaton that will be pequiped will be ingpedient infopmaton to