James Tilley
Unit 14 – Aspects of Employment Law
M1 – Analyse the impact of relevant legislatonnregulatons on any
two types of employment contract
Both an employee and an employer will have responsibilites to each other. These responsibilites
will be in every area of business, from health and safety, to laws, to terms set out on a working
contract, however, these will difer from worker to worker, and to employer to employer, and will
rarely be the same for worker and employer.
Legislaton is essental in securing rights for both employees and employers. This is because
legislaton must be followed by both workers and businesses to ensure the individuals and enttes
remain legal.
These legislatons can increase rights for workers, such as the Equality Act 2010, which ensures that
workers completng the same job are paid the same rate regardless of their age, gender, race or any
other factors. This is done so that workers are chosen for their skills, rather than their race, age,
gender or disability status.
Furthermore, governments have helped workers who are struggling to survive with their wages
through the introducton of a natonal minimum wage. This ensures that workers are being paid an
amount which satsses basic spending needs. These legislaton can also assist businesses, as these
laws help establish a basis on the spending which will be needed for workers, as the company will
know the minimum they are able to pay a worker is set out in the Natonal inimum age Act.
Rights and Responsibilites of Employees:
Employees have many diferent entrenched legislatve and statutory rights developed to help them
in employment. Firstly, a contract must be given to the employee. This will include the terms and
limitatons of their contract, their working pay, the worker they are accountable to, as well as their
main dutes. t is important that a contract includes this informaton as without this, a worker may
not complete jobs if they have not been included in the contract. Alternatvely, if a contract was not
given, a worker may be pressured into completng tasks which they are not being paid for, or that
would not be included in their contract.
The EU Equal Opportunites legislaton, under the 2010 Equality Act explains that employees should
receive the same basic pay, as well as conditons, for completng the same or a very similar task. This
is done to help to combat sexism, ageism, as well as disability discriminaton. Although this is a
benest to employees, there are stll many reports of this not being upheld by the authorites, as well
as employers changing job roles to accommodate for lower wages, however, for the same job, one
worker is not given less than another worker.
Another right for an employer is the right to a natonal minimum wage in line with the inimum
age Act, which explains the diferent wages of which employees have to be given by employers.
This also sets out working tmes, with EU requirements governing that there is a maximum number
of hours, 48, which a typical worker is expected to work.
Employers have a right to safe working conditons, which means the minimum legal requirement in
line with the Health and Safety at ork legislaton. These relate to the treatment of workers, and