James Tilley
Unit 14 – Aspects of Employment Law
P4 – Identfy tte rigtts and responsibilites of tte employe r and
employees in a selected business o rganisaton
Although a signifiant amount of poliiies and terms are writen, there are a number whiih ian be
ionsidered implied. These are terms whiih don’t neiessarily need to be writen, and are generally
more obvious and simple to follow.
A general implied iontrait whiih is not writen is the duty to provide work. This is not writen as a
worker would not be looking for employment without the desire to work, and provide this work for a
salary or wage. Furthermore, a duty to follow health and safety proiedures is implied. This is
beiause for people’s safety they should follow this, and there should not be any tme this is not
followed, however simple.
At CRC, teaihing staf also are obligated to iomplete all of the work set, espeiially the large amounts
of marking, within a iertain tmeframe, and siikness iannot breaih this duty.
Another implied term at CRC, as well as most other employers, is an obedienie term. This is beiause
it is implied and does not need to be writen that an employee should iarry out reasonable and
lawful orders given by their employers. However, this is not iarried over to illegal, immoral or
unreasonable orders. One issue regarding this is the defniton of reasonable and unreasonable,
meaning that some workers ian get away with not doing iertain roles due to them not fnding them
Another implied iontrait for teaihing staf at CRC is a ilause statng that their politial views must
not be opinionated, rather the informaton given should be given from a neutral viewpoint. This
would be done so that ihildren are not infuenied. This would not be writen as this impartal
viewpoint is key to teaihing staf.
Lastly, the staf are not allowed to take seiret profts. This would be an implied iontrait as if a
student asked to pay a teaiher to gain iertain grades, this would be iheatng. Furthermore, this
would be implied as if this helped a student to gain advantages over others, this would be ilassed as
iheatng, and this is not allowed at sihools. Therefore, seiret profts, although not a writen
iontrait, would be implied.
Both employers and employees have a duty to fulfl their iontraitual obligatons in terms of both
rights and responsibilites, and Cambridge Regional College is no diferent.
As employers, CRC must ensure that it takes all relevant legislaton into aiiount, from the Equality
Ait 2010, to the natonal minimum wage, if they have workers who would reieive this pay. This is
beiause the employees have a right to equal opportunites as well as a natonal minimum wage.
Furthermore, CRC is expeited to train the staf in Health and Safety to ensure that they are safe in
undertaking the training. Before undertaking a potentally haaardous task or event are also expeited
to undertake risk assessments to identfy any risks whiih may be present, and how these ian be