Illusion AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5
P1 All characteristics “White stairs ascend to the entrances”, This idea of the 'plastic', As the tragic hero suffers, he Freud: Moths
use illusion to allusion to heaven, Greek mythology by once again, suggests an begins to understand his own symbolic of Blanche’s
conceal their true acting as the final resting place for artificial aspect to the destiny and nature conscious state of
play, with a function that more clearly (anagnorisis) mind. She lives in
desires: Stanley’s Blanche. Irony of Elysian Fields, Greek
does not respond to darkness and avoids
raw sexuality vs mythology, paradise/death, Blanche is realism. The lighting in A In Aristotelian tragedy, the reality (light). Moths
Blanche’s obsessed. White: supposed moral Streetcar Named Desire hero tends to be a person of are creatures driven
aptitude for chastity, contrast w Stella’s “decaying” is 'plastic' in this sense high birth, such as a by light and will follow
semblance townhouse, is beacon of light & because it makes visible king. Their elevated social any light regardless
rejuvenating New Orlean aristocracy. the contents of Blanche's position means that the of the costs. This is
Motif of poker: “Incongruent”, detached from decaying mind, and is audience supposedly has perhaps symbolic of
used to represent reality more reason to pity their Blanche’s obsession
game of metropolitan city, fragmented speech
and fantasy. Erratic tragic fate as they are aware with keeping up her
deception & represents insecurities. Punctuated: of how much they have façade. Fatal desire
concealment, insecurity. Imagery: stain, tarnished Stanley: charismatic lost. for sexual pleasure is
traditionally seen past, paper lantern: disguise reality. powerhouse, smoulder, Hamartia vs catharsis ultimate downfall
as masculine “...I’ll burn them”, obsessed with purity. bathing Hypersensitive to sound
P2 Stanley Stanley ‘bellows’, mirrors his need for Aristocracy: Civil War, Ibsen, was a key figure of Folding bed
obliterates the dominance, collocates to Stella’s never recovered nineteenth-century realist represents how Stella
notion of illusion “mildly”, assumes passive role. No need economically, men like drama. His plays, such as ‘A is trying to hide her
and advocates Stanley WW2 had sense Doll’s House’, had a great background and
for romance, meat is obvious phallic
reality. Harsh of entitlement to share influence on American move away from the
plosives in imagery, no need for innuendo, primal of country’s wealth. dramatists such as Southern Belle
name. Predatory nature, fruits of labour in traditional Empowered by growth of Arthur Miller and Tennessee image, and she will
patriarchal society. Cf to “my baby”, trade unions. Williams. simply fold it away
Blanche also infantilizes Stella. Uses like it wasn’t there.
Blanche’s crude, colloquial language. Fading Southern Belle, In Ibsen’s work, ordinary
constant need for Locomotive: modern & raw, represents vs Fallen Woman. Post people become involved in a Light =
reassurance war America: Gatsby, way of life they feel they transparency, fear of
unmasking of truth, oddly shaped “lurid”
reflects incessant changing gender roles. haven’t chosen and feel “merciless glare”,
need for pathos shadows: enhance sense of madness, Tragedy: Arthur Miller’s trapped by. exaggerated rhetoric
heighten breakdown. Expressionism, Death of a Salesman mirrors those in the
both have pursuit of dogged ideals South
Desire AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5