Examine the transmission of
infectious diseases and how
this can be prevented
Anna Dharmapuri
, 1
Richmond College
Direct contact transmission - when an infected person comes in physical contact with a
suspensible person
Coronavirus – spreading of germs
Colematt ed., (2020), Coronavirus poster design handshake and germs on hands stock
illustration, iStock, <https://images.app.goo.gl/qNfZkzTUeSuE7pvG9>[accessed 17 March
Linder, E. (2022). How are germs transmitted? Available at: <
https://www.verywellhealth.com/droplet-transmission-3956438 > very well health,
[accessed 17 March 2023]
1. Human to human - spread through direct transfer of bacteria, germs or even
viruses from one person to another person. Kisses, coughs, sneezes, bacterium or
virus touches on someone who hasn’t been infected